20th Century Ethiopian History; Disability History; Cultural Entanglement between Africa and the world during the Early Modern Period; Global history
Victorian Britain; Gender History; Print Culture and Media; Monarchy; Mental Illness
Queer History, Twentieth-Century Canada
- Medieval Mediterranean History
Canadian Military & Political History
- Modern China
- Overseas Chinese
- East Asian Studies
- World History
- Kanyen’keha:ka (Mohawk) history
Early Modern England, History of Medicine, Popular Print Culture, Classical Reception
- Colonial North America
- New France
- Illinois Country
- Gender History
- Material Culture
Upper Canada; British North America; the War of 1812; Environmental History; Indigenous History; Gender History
History of Christianity
Religious Orders and Missionary Societies
Religion and Education
Second World War and the Cold War; Canada’s contribution to the war effort; Canada's role in the multinational commands of NATO and NORAD
Medieval European History
- Global History
- Modern East Asia
Dress history; Material culture; British history
- History of Medicine
- History of Emotions
- Gender History
- British Empire
- Military Culture
- Comparative History-Social History-Cultural History
African American history; the Harlem Renaissance
Early Modern Europe, Dutch Golden Age studies, global history, book history, material history, cartography
Early Modern Europe, Tudor Queenship, and female recusancy
- Women’s History
- Gender History
- Upper Canadian History
- British World History
- Colonial History
- Capitalism and Business History
- Newfoundland & Atlantic Canadian History
- 20th century
- Race and Gender history
- Eastern European and Russian History
- Canadian social & cultural history
- Music
- Folklore
- Archival studies
Women's faith communities; witchcraft & Christianity; European folk belief
British Empire; Environmental History; Global History; Historical Geographic Information Systems (HGIS)
- Intellectual History
- Popular Fiction and Mass Media
- 19th Century France
- History of Post-Confederation Canada
- 20th Century United States
- Race and Space
- Public History
- Canadian History
- 20th Century
Global Indigenous History
Cultural Interactions
Social History
- Women's History
- Postwar American History
- Popular Music Criticism
- New Left Political Movements
- Radical Feminism
- American Youth Culture
History of medicine and public health
History of gender and sexuality
Nineteenth century Canada
- Early Modern Europe
Canadian history
Indigenous-settler relations
Female narratives
Material culture and art history
Archival studies
- Middle Ages
- Early Modern Era of the Western World
- Witchcraft and Popular Religion
- History of Sexuality
- Queer History
- Youth History
Northeastern North America; Visual Culture; Map Making
- Canadian History
- North American Cultural Networks
- Mass Culture Industries + Popular Culture
- Nationalism + Transnationalism
- Gender and Family in the 20th Century
Early Modern Europe
History of Gender and Sexuality
18th Century France and Austria
- Contemporary Military History
- Icelandic Social History
- Gender History
Public History; Heritage and Tourism History; 21st Century History; Local History
- Early Modern Europe
Latin American History
- Race in North America
- 19th Century America
- 19th-20th century Irish History
History of Fascism
History of Fascism Post-WW2
History of Fascism in the Cold War
Colonial Latin American history
Religion in the Inca Empire
Indigenous Andean history
Colonial missionary activity
Material religious culture.
- African History
- Liberation Movements
- Cultural History
Canadian trade
Early Modern History
European History
Eighteenth Century France
French Revolution
Diplomatic/International History; Early Modern Europe; Intellectual History
18th-Century British Atlantic; Travel Writing; Animal Agency; Natural History and Empire
History of Historiography; Brazilian Historiography; early 19th-century Britain; British Romanticism
20th century Canadian History
Political and intellectual History
- British Empire
- the Commonwealth of Nations
- Global History
- Decolonization
Canadian History; British History; Intellectual History
- Social and Political History
- History of Thought
Latin-American History, Revolution and Rebellions, The Cold War
- The North American Fur Trade
- Euro-Indigenous Relations
- The Long Nineteenth Century
Modern Middle East and Stateless People, Centralization and Power Consolidation, Colonial Influence in Infrastructure, Political and Spatial Marginalization.
Early modern England; Gender history; Print culture
- Byzantine History
- Christian Development
- Liturgy
- Women's History
- Ritual Theory
- Orthodoxy
- Material History
Storytelling and Major events
- Canadian history
- gender history
- history of sex work
- Ontario history
- History of Fascism
- Global and Transnational History
- Early Twentieth Century History
- British History
Histories of Sexuality; Queer History; Twentieth & Twenty-First Century Canadian History
Women's history
Irish history
social history in areas of violence
- Early Modern British History
- Canadian History
- Post Confederation Canada
- Cold War Studies
- The Loyalist Diaspora of the American Revolution
- History of North America in the 18th and 19th Centuries
- Slavery and Antislavery in North America
- Eastern European History
- Middle Eastern History
- Human Rights History
- International institutions and minority rights protection regimes
- New Diplomatic History
- Soviet History
- Food History
- Material Culture
- 19th and 20th Century US
- Intellectual History
- Women’s and Gender History
- Feminist Thought
- Critical Race and Whiteness Studies
everyday settler-Indigenous social interactions on Ontario’s Bruce Peninsula during the mid-nineteenth century; social and cultural histories, historical memory, and legal history
- Global History
- British Imperial History
- Nineteenth Century History
- History of Slavery, Abolitionism, and Emancipation
- Nineteenth-Century British Caribbean
- Race
- Colonial/State Projects
- Global History
- Early Modern Europe
- Humanitarian History
- Foreign Aid and Development
- Political History
- 20th Century Canadian History
- Government Relations
- Public Engagement
- Crisis Response