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Gabriel Pessoa


Gabriel Pessoa is a third-year doctoral candidate under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Woolf. His current research focuses on 18th and early 19th-century Brazilian historiography, with an emphasis on Robert Southey's History of Brazil (1810-19). He is particularly interested in investigating how this author collected and interpreted earlier accounts of Brazil and adjacent territories in order to present a narrative of Brazilian history suited for the British audience of his time. His research intends to showcase how a developing modern notion of History based on systematic documental analysis oriented Southey's reception of earlier narratives of Brazil.

Gabriel's previous MA research, conducted at PUC-Rio, investigated the presence of epic and tragic modes in the novel Moby Dick (1851), written by Herman Melville.


Selected Publications

Revista Escrita da História, v.1 n.15, 2021, pp. 76-106.

Publications: O mar, o leviatã e os selvagens: o discurso épico na forma literária de Moby-Dick, de Herman Melville. Revista Escrita da História, v.1 n.15, 2021, pp. 76-106.

Awards and recognition

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) - 2024-25

Department of History, Queen's University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


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