The Department Seminar Series brings distinguished historians from across North America to campus to present their research in a public lecture. Held monthly, the series attracts both faculty and students and is a central feature of our collective intellectual life. The Department Seminar Series is made possible by the generosity of the Bernice Nugent Bequest.
Confronting Development: Ethnocide and its International Revival after 1968
Sebastián Gil-Riaño
University of Pennsylvania
Fear of the False: Forensic Science and the Law of Crime in Colonial South Asia
Mitra Sharafi
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Sex Time: Belatedness and the Sexed Body in Medieval Islamic Medicine
Dr. Ahmed Ragab, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
The Question of Unworthy Life: Rethinking Nazism's First Genocide
Dagmar Herzog
City University of New York
Happy Accidents: Serendipity and the Historian's Craft
Dr. Judith Byfield
Cornell University
Fueling the Machines of War: The Logistics of the 19th Century U.S. Military
Dr. Benjamin Hoy
University of Saskatchewan
Wood, Fire, Smoke, Paper, Cloud: An Environmental History of the Miramichi Fire
Alan MacEachern
University of Western Ontario
"Crime and Payment: One Law for the Rich and One for the Poor?"
David Smith
Wilfrid Laurier University
Pride of Place: The Politics of Queer Histories in the Prairies
Dr. Valerie Korinek
University of Saskatchewan
Language and Sovereignty in the Early Modern British Empire
Asheesh Siddique
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Across Oceans of Law
Renisa Mawani
University of British Columbia
The Threat of Jewish Invisibility—Medieval, Early Modern, Modern
Francesca Trivellato
School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Thinking the British Empire Whole to 1788
Steven Pincus
University of Chicago
Moved by the State: Forced Relocation and a Good Life in Postwar Canada
Tina Loo
University of British Columbia
Quicklime: Roger Casement's Queer Infamy
Matthew Guterl
Brown University
Natural Disaster, Sin, and Blame in Late Medieval Valencia
Abigail Agresta
Queen's University
Travellers through Empire: Indigenous Voyages from Early Canada
Cecelia Morgan
University of Toronto
Vaal Burning: Reinterpreting the Anti-Pass Campaign of 1960 in South Africa
Noor Nieftagodien
University of the Witwatersrand
Crusade, Islam, and the Middle Ages' Greatest Prophet, Joachim of Fiore
Jay Rubenstein
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Voltaire and the Radical Enlightenment
Nicholas Cronk
Oxford University
The Final Voyage of the Santa Catharina: Notes towards a Global Microhistory of Trade and Politics in the Indian Ocean
Sebouh Aslanian
University of California, Los Angeles
The Singapore Mutiny of 1915: The Local was Global
Heather Streets-Salter
Northeastern University