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Watson Hall

Watson Hall

The home of the Department of History.

 A Message from the Undergraduate Chair

A close up image of Dr. CurrarinoWelcome to Queen’s History!  We are a diverse and dynamic department.  In our classes, seminars, internships, and research we bring together faculty and students committed to the rigorous study of the past so that we may better understand our present.  Students in History take courses in a very wide range topics, time periods, and geographical locations, from the Byzantium to contemporary India, the French Enlightenment to modern Latin America, Soviet history to the history of pandemics. Throughout our program we emphasize the vigorous, collaborative exchange of ideas between students and instructors.  In our small seminars, students and faculty consider primary documents in relation to cutting-edge scholarship and current events through weekly discussions, projects, and research papers. Students enroll in these seminars beginning in their second year and take multiple seminars over the course of their studies at Queen’s.  In History, students and faculty can also work together one-on-one on extended research projects on topics of the student’s choice, culminating in a major research paper.  Through such projects and close engagement with faculty, students develop their abilities to read and interpret documents from the past and present, to use evidence to write clearly and persuasively, and to present their ideas across a variety of media.  History, though, teaches us all more than a wide range of useful skills.  The study of History lets us understand the complexities, contradictions, and possibilities in the world around us.  

Rosanne Currarino, Ph.D.
Chair of Undergraduate Studies
Department of History

Drawing from the expertise of nationally and internationally renowned scholars, our courses span from the premodern past to the present times, geographically they circle the globe, and thematically we build on a number of disciplinary vantages, including cultural, economic, environmental, gender, global, Indigenous, intellectual, labour, legal, and religious history. Apart from the core curriculum, our students have the opportunity to undertake independent research projects and participate in community-based and experiential learning prospects in a variety of settings. Trained in historical thinking with an emphasis on analysis, critical thinking, research, communication, and writing skills, our students are prepared for a diverse range of careers, including law, education, public policy, business, museum and archives, publishing, research, and media. The Undergraduate Program in History at Queen’s offers a unique learning experience that leaves our graduates with a deep insight into the roots of the contemporary world.

The History curriculum offers large lecture courses that bring our students together with students in other departments and programs and together they explore the broader implications of historical inquiry. Our Major and Joint Honours students cherish the learning environment of small seminar classes where we collectively debate and discuss the finer points of historical scholarship. Our mid-sized department offers a supportive and welcoming atmosphere where the students have the chance to get to know the professors and participate in numerous departmental events and opportunities. The Departmental Student Council (link is external)acts as a liaison between the students and departmental administration, and offers further avenues for intellectual, academic, and extracurricular growth, while the Peer Advising Team in History (PATH) provide support on the History degree pathways, curriculum matters, and other learning opportunities.

Department of History, Queen's University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


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