Training and Events
The Human Rights & Equity Office offers free online training on Ableism, Accessibility, Anti-Oppression, Employment Equity, Human Rights, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Sexual Violence Prevention and Response, and Sexual and Gender Diversity. See the Human Rights & Equity Office's Training Catalogue for all available courses.
ACT (Action, Transformation, Commitment) is a set of learning opportunities to provide you with a foundational understanding of: systems of oppression, power and privilege anti-oppressive frameworks advocacy, allyship and leadership and more. Offered by the HREO and the Student Experience Office.
Queen's University International Centre (QUIC) offers Intercultural Awareness training, a five-part series of workshops which help to recognize that gaining intercultural awareness requires a commitment to life-long learning.
The Queen's EDII Student Events Calendar is a central hub for finding and promoting events and initiatives across campus specifically for equity-deserving students and students wanting to become better allies.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity Department of History Prize
This Departmental prize is awarded to an undergraduate student in first, second, third, or fourth year for the best essay or project devoted to the histories of equity-deserving groups.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization Fund (Faculty of Arts and Science)
The Faculty of Arts and Science Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization Fund provides support to regular faculty members and continuing adjuncts in the Faculty of Arts and Science for teaching and learning, and research, related to the Faculty’s strategic priorities around equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigenization. The maximum amount for an award is $3500.00, and faculty members may seek support from this fund once a year. This is available to faculty, staff and all students, and has an open deadline.