In addition to admissions awards available to all Queen’s University students, the Department of History awards prizes and awards for academic excellence including essay prizes on specific topics which can be found in the History Specific Awards section of the Financial Aid website. Students are encouraged to write essays that would be eligible for these monetary awards. The essays are nominated by the course instructor and selected by adjudication.
For additional details on other award and financial aid opportunities for current students, please visit the Financial Aid website.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity Project Award
Awarded to an undergraduate student in first, second, third, or fourth year for the best essay or project devoted to the histories of equity-deserving groups. Selections will be made by members of the Department's EDII Committee.
Rivard-Prendergast Studentship Award
Awarded to an outstanding student enrolled in HIST 515 Independent Research Paper undertaking an independent research project under the supervision of a faculty member, for the amount of $3,600. This award is intended to provide meaningful financial support for research activities and offer a unique opportunity for intellectual and professional growth by encouraging undergraduate research.
Department of History Speaker and Conference Fund: Bernice Nugent Bequest
Thanks to the generosity of the estate of Bernice Nugent, a Queen's History alumna, the Department of History has funds to support the invitation of speakers, the organization of conferences, or the presentation of papers at Queen's. Two funding competitions have been established, one for proposals sponsored by Faculty Members in the Department of History and the other for undergraduate-initiated projects. Graduate student initiatives should go first to the GHSA and may be considered through a separate procedure. The total amounts awarded from each fund vary from year to year as determined by the History Department's Nugent Fund Committee, and the Committee is responsible as well for deciding which projects get funded in what amounts. The application process, award criteria, and deadlines are as follows:
A. Support for Faculty-Proposed Conferences, Workshops, Symposia
Typical size of individual awards varies depending on the size and scope of the event. It is expected that applicants will also apply for outside funding for events requiring more than $1000. All applications determined to meet the conditions of the Bernice Nugent bequest will receive some level of funding.
Purpose of Awards: to host or organize conferences, workshops or symposia at Queen's. Events should have some public component that is open to other members of the department and to graduate and/or undergraduate students.
Application Deadlines:
Deadlines: November 15 (for events 1 January - 30 June) and April 15 (for events 1 July - 31 December)
Larger events will benefit from applying one cycle in advance.
Application Process: Submit a letter to the "Department of History, Queen's University, Bernice Nugent Committee." Application letters should be submitted electronically to the Department Chair ( In the letter, provide a description of the proposed event, including a description of what specific aspect of that event the Nugent funds would underwrite. Specify the amount requested, how the funds are to be spent, the dates of the event, and how your application satisfies the award criteria. Proposals may be in preliminary form at the time of initial submission but should include a rough budget and an indication of other sources of funding for which applications have been or will be made. Applicants are expected to follow up with detailed budget and schedule of events as soon as they are available.
Notification and Disbursement of Funds: Successful applicants will be notified by email. Approved funds will be disbursed only upon submission of original receipts to Matt Colby in the History Department office.
B. Undergraduate Student Initiatives Fund
Typical size of individual awards: $100-$250
Purpose of Awards: To provide partial support for the invitation of speakers to Queen's, for the holding of student-run conferences, workshops, or symposia at Queen's, or for other similar events. Applications may be submitted by individuals or by student organizations. The event(s) must be of significant interest to students in the Department of History and must include some component that is open to the public, or at least open to all members of the Queen's community.
Application Deadlines: Rolling. Applications must be received at least 30 days prior to the date of the proposed event.
Application Process: Submit a letter to the "Department of History, Queen's University, Bernice Nugent Committee." Application letters should be submitted electronically to the Department Chair ( In the letter, provide a description of the proposed event, including a description of what specific aspect of that event the Nugent funds would underwrite. Specify the amount requested, how the funds are to be spent, the dates of the event, and how your application satisfies the award criteria. A detailed budget and a description of other sources of funding that have been obtained or applied for is highly desirable. If you have other promotional materials (flyers, a schedule of events, etc.) please submit those as well.
Notification and Disbursement of Funds: Successful applicants will be notified either by email or regular mail. Approved funds will be disbursed only upon submission of original receipts to the History Department office.
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