Skills Development

At Queen's:

HTML for Beginners: Knowledge of HTML is helpful for anyone who wants to build or maintain a website. A solid understanding of HTML is also the basis for accessibility, search engine optimization (SEO) practices, and for ensuring that your web content looks great across different browsers and platforms.

"HTML for Beginners" is an online workshop geared toward staff and faculty who are using, or plan to use, a content management system (such as the WebPublish) to build and manage a website but have limited training or experience.

Participants are guided through the basics of HTML, the standard markup language for web pages. Participants learn about the commonly used HTML tags and attributes, and the best practices for their usage. Participants also start to write simple code themselves.

See the Human Resources Learning Catalogue for upcoming dates.


Industry resources:

W3Schools Tutorials: An online platform that provides web development tutorials and references for various web technologies

Nielsen Norman Group: Empowers user experience (UX) professionals with a free library of articles and videos includes research findings, guidelines, and UX methods

Linkedin Learning: Accessed through the public library with your personal library card, Linkedin Learning offers numerous courses on coding, design, and analytics in the digital environment.

Google Analytics: Beginners can start with the "Introduction to Analytics" chapter

AccessAbility 2: A Practical Handbook on Accessible Graphic Design

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative: Accessibility fundamentals

Vendor learning tools:

Siteimprove Frontier: An education platform, with a mix of learning opportunities, including courses, certifications, and seminars.

Digital Asset Management: Resources include webinars, ebooks, videos with regard to digital asset management.