Using Icons and Symbols

Icons or symbols are hardworking images. They can call attention to important information, represent complex concepts, minimize the need for text on a page, create mood, provide direction and note calls to action.

Using icons / symbols effectively

 Don't use them as the sole way of conveying information.

 Don't assume that icons are universally understood. Many icons are understood differently, or not at all, by different cultures or age groups.

 Don't use icons in a unique way or contrary to what might be seen as common understanding of the symbol. For example, a + (plus sign) on a website usually indicates an open/collapse function, such as in the accordion container style in WebPublish, so don't use a + as a list icon.

 Don't overuse icons. The more icons you use on a page, the less effective each one is at catching a user's attention.

 Do use them to enhance a users understanding or to draw attention to a piece of content.

 Do include text with your icon. Best practice says to include text with an icon, especially where is it is used in a navigational element on a page.

Adding icons in WebPublish

WebPublish users can add icons to a webpage by selecting the Font Awesome icon within the WYSIWYG content editor and entering the icon file name.

How to use Font Awesome in WebPublish