Oooh they did it again! Yes, despite the rain our intrepid canoeists (led by Blue) were out on the lake again this morning. For some getting up that early is unheard of, but they have been happy to do it. And if they aren’t canoeing they are checking out Cow Island by going across the board walk or walking into Chaffey’s Lock (they just can’t get enough of the ice cream).
Today though is a little ominous in that we know this is almost the end of camp. Only half a day to go. But that hasn’t stopped lots of writing, chatting, consultations going on. SASS provided more 1:1 consultations both online and in person. Those who took advantage of them came out smiling, so I assume that it was 25 minutes well spent. Thank you SASS for your continued support.
At dinner we had celebratory cake for all the great work throughout the week. Tomorrow is our last day, which always seems a bit rushed and some people’s focus shifts from writing to getting home. So tonight was about thank you and a job well done.
After dinner many went for a swim or canoe (they can’t get enough of that either) and for some of course this was the first time. Soji we would never have known that as you looked like a natural in the canoe.
Tonight was also the last chance for a fire, and although the wood was a little soggy, “we” did get it started. Truly a team effort with everyone having their say on just where to put this stick or that. But I think ultimately it was Peter and Linda that accomplished this feat, along with Mohit fanning the air around. Thank you all as it provided an amazing evening to finish off a great day all round.
Animal count:
Deer – lots with Bambis in tow.
Guinea Fowl – 4 of them
Wild Turkeys – 2 adults and their little ones
Blue Heron – very majestic
Ground hog – seem to be everywhere.
So far no sighting of Chad!