Campus Resources

Apart from programming provided by the SGSPA and collaborations with our partners, there are many more resources available to you on campus to support your development. From additional workshops and training programs to enhance your academic and professional development, to supports and training to help your wellbeing. Check out the additional offerings by these campus partners:

The Ban Righ Centre - Apart from the Writing Studio in May, the Ban Righ Centre is there throughout the year to support female students. You may want the opportunity to speak about your research which in turn can help you focus on your writing. You may just want a quiet place to sit and write. The Ban Righ Centre is there for you.

Queen’s University Library is dedicated to supporting your research and teaching activities. You are welcome to consult and make use of the expertise of our dedicated staff, strong research collections, and facilities. Workshops on Data Management, Copyright legalilties, and Publishing in a Journal are just some of the resources available to you.

Did you know that the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is the central academic service unit that provides programming, resources, and support for graduate students’ and post-docs’ development as educators? We help strategize about topics such as: Instructional Strategies, Marking & Feedback, TA Development, Indigenizing Curriculum, Assessment Strategies, Teaching Dossiers and more. You can also be a part of the Professional Development in University Teaching and Learning Certificate (PUTL) or the SGS 901 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education program, to name a few.

Did you know that Career Services is here to help if you are a current or recently graduated (within one year) person at Queen's? Whether you're thinking about continuing on in academia or wondering how to make the leap elsewhere, they have strategies and resources for students just like you.

They have both workshops and 1:1 counselling to help you strategize, along with many other resources.

Student Academic Success Services (SASS) offers academic support to students who wish to develop their skills in critical thinking, reading, learning, studying, writing, and self-management. They offer individual appointments to enhance students’ academic skills and writing skills, support for students with English as an Additional Language, workshops, outreach events, and online resources. They can help you improve your time management and organization; increase your motivation and reduce procrastination; cope with distractions; develop your study skills and habits; improve your writing (e.g., thesis statements, effective paragraph structure, grammar, etc.) and more.

Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre (4DISC) - Whether you have self-identified or not as an Indigenous student, the 4DISC is a welcoming place, supportive and there for members of the indigenous community At Queen’s. Take part in SAGE, an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional peer-mentoring program designed to support Indigenous graduate students with the successful transition into and completion of their graduate programs. Also, look out for the SAGE writing retreats!

QUIC is committed to support Queen’s students, staff and faculty in the building of diverse and inclusive communities by providing programing that support successful transition and a successful student experience.

QUIC also collaborates with SASS and Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre to run various EAL and intercultural programs

The Human Rights and Equity Office provides education in the areas of human rights, equity, accessibility and sexual violence prevention and response. Our educational programs build community awareness, increase knowledge and address systemic barriers to inclusion.

We offer a wide diversity of educational sessions. Learners can explore content both asynchronously and synchronously. Education provided by the Human Rights and Equity Office, aims to empower learners to develop strategies and skills to assist in the creation of inclusive spaces and places for all members of our community. Sessions have been designed with all learners in mind, regardless of role or knowledge level.

Mitacs Training provides professional skills development courses for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

The synchronous components are offered in an interactive learning environment consisting of small groups, with approximately 24 participants. They are facilitated by leading business and industry professionals who have undergone a competitive selection process. Our facilitators are subject matter experts in their respective fields and understand what it takes to succeed professionally. Facilitators deliver hands-on, engaging, and experiential learning.

Our curriculum is designed to build competencies in five key areas that are recognized as vital to professional success. Each course addresses one or more of the following competencies: Professional & career fundamentals; Interpersonal skills; Communication; Leadership & management; and Intrapreneuralism. 

Sessions are offered at no charge to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows currently registered at a Canadian university.

You can check out the full calendar of 2024 course offerings here.

The capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture. From helping solve community problems as social innovators, to starting up your own company, you all have the capacity to call yourselves entrepreneurs.

The Queen’s Partnerships and Innovation (QPI) team offers various services and resources to Queen’s students and post-doctoral fellows. For services, resources and programs for entrepreneurs, please visit their page for entrepreneurs, startups and small to medium-sized enterprises.

Perhaps look at the Dunin-Deshpande Queen’s Innovation Center programming such as the Queen’s Innovation Centre Summer Initiative (QICSI) which is a 16-week, fixed cohort incubator program where founders receive no-cost training, mentorship, and office space to launch their own venture. QICSI offers the opportunity to work on a venture full-time while receiving ongoing support from the Dunin-Deshpande Queen's Innovation Centre advisors, mentors, and staff.

Learning how to network, do informational interviews and generally feel confident to talk to people you have never met before can be scary, but there are opportunities on campus and in Kingston to help you.

Think about joining Queen’s Connects Career Network for Students & Alumni, which is a LinkedIn group maintained by Queen’s. It can hep facilitate conversations about career experiences and through the sharing of information about industries, fields, or roles. To find out more and how to join the group, go to the Career Services website, Queen's Connects LinkedIn webpage. Career Services also has some great tip sheets and workshops on how to set up a good LinkedIn profile.

Conferences are also a great place to meet people in your field, and can lead to collaborations or other opportunities.

The Kingston Chamber of Commerce also host open houses and business expos to provide you with opportunities to meet local businesses and for them to meet you.

Volunteering can be very satisfying for a number of reasons. One you are helping others, and two you can learn and meet some amazing people and organisations. Within Queen’s and the Kingston community there are lots of opportunities to volunteer.  Think about some of the following:  helping out at Homecoming, volunteering and CFRC and creating your own program, helping with the annual “Let’s Talk Science”, Looking to see if your program does any outreach,  providing programming for Queen’s Enrichment Studies Unit or looking at what summer programming is happening on campus or the Kingston community.