Becoming a Postdoc

Postdocs play an essential role in research at Queen’s. Joining the university as a postdoc means you are connecting to a group of more than 200 colleagues whose discoveries and innovations make Queen’s one of Canada’s leading research-intensive universities. This site provides information on eligibility, the appointment process, and funding options.

Postdoctoral Opportunities at Queen's

Postdoctoral opportunities at Queen’s may be advertised on departmental websites, in scholarly publications, and on the Queen’s Human Resources page. The Vice-Principal Research operates the Postdoctoral Fund which provides financial support to attract outstanding postdocs. Many postdocs find their position by contacting Queen’s faculty members directly. Exploring our Faculties & Schools will help you narrow your search. Additionally, you can browse funding opportunities that can support your research.

Please note that the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs does not process postdoc applications.

Have a question? Email the SGSPA's Postdoc Coordinator:

Types of Postdocs at Queen’s: Categorization of Postdocs

The categorization of a Postdoc’s employment relationship with Queen’s University will depend on several factors including source of income. Some postdocs will be employees at Queen’s. These postdocs are considered Postdoctoral Fellows. Some postdocs will not be considered employees of the University. These postdocs will be considered Postdoctoral Guests. Further information on this distinction is below. 

Please email for clarification if you are unsure which categorization of postdoc fits your circumstance.

If a faculty member in your Unit anticipates employing a new Postdoctoral Fellow who they will supervise (“faculty supervisor”) and who will be compensated in whole or in part  (i.e. salary and benefits) by the faculty member’s research funds, it is likely that the proper characterization of the relationship is employment (“Postdoctoral Fellow”) and that the appointee will be included as a member of the PSAC Unit 2 bargaining unit and employed on the terms of the Collective Agreement between Queen’s University and PSAC for Postdoctoral Fellows (Unit 2). For more information, please contact

If a person has secured their own transferable funding from an external grant-funding agency (e.g. a Tri-Agency award) which will be the sole source of funding (i.e. they will not receive any income from Queen’s University nor participate in benefits plans that Queen’s provides to its employees), it is likely that the proper characterization of the relationship is Postdoctoral Guest. If a faculty member in your Unit is expecting and intends to mentor a new Postdoc who has secured their own funding, please contact for information about supporting Postdoctoral Guests in their transition to Queen’s University, and to obtain a template welcome letter that can be completed and delivered. Postdoctoral Guests are not employees of Queen’s University and they are not included within the ambit of the Collective Agreement between Queen’s University and PSAC for Postdoctoral Fellows (Unit 2).

The Postdoc Appointment Process at Queen’s: What to Expect as a Postdoc

We strongly encourage incoming postdocs to register with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs so that the coordinator can connect them with the many resources available to fellows throughout their time at Queen's. The registration form, accessible through the button below, helps promote the success of Queen's postdocs by opening a conversation centered on each fellow's specific concerns.

Register Now!

  1. Identify and apply for a postdoctoral position at Queen’s University.
  2. Discuss expectations for position with faculty supervisor.
    1. Some potential topics to consider discussing include identifying the individual(s) responsible for determining the research program, identifying professional development opportunities, designating other mentors, clarifying any teaching opportunities, outlining duties for career support, and contract extension prospects.
  3. Complete appointment documentation.
    1. Sign appointment letter.
      1. International postdoctoral fellows – complete documentation for authorization to work in Canada. See Immigration/Relocation for up-to-date information.
  4. Complete Human Resource forms for new employees with departmental support.
    1. Please see HR’s Working at Queen’s page for up-to-date information.
  5. Register with the SGSPA

  1. Secure external funding for research.
    1. You may need to connect with a faculty mentor during the application process depending on the funding source.
  2. Discuss plans for fellowship with faculty mentor.
  3. Complete welcome letter documentation.
    1. Sign welcome letter.
    2. International postdoctoral fellows only – complete documentation for authorization to work in Canada. See Immigration/Relocation for up-to-date information.  
  4. Register with the SGSPA

Please see the Recruiting a Postdoc page for steps on how to welcome a new postdoc.

Your NetID is your network identity at Queen’s. It is the “User ID” you need to sign on to the applications and services operated by ITServices, such as Queen’s email, onQ course management system, etc. After you arrive on campus, contact the IT Administrative Representative in your department who will arrange for you to receive a NetID. Postdoctoral Fellows will receive an employee NetID and Postdoctoral Guests will receive a “Contingent Worker” NetID.

Please be advised that postdocs lose access to their Queen’s NetID and email accounts on the last day of their contract or award.

Please see the Immigration and Relocation website for information related to relocating to Kingston. This website provides relevant information whether you are relocating internationally, within Canada, or within Ontario.

Please see the Immigration and Relocation website for up-to-date information related to work permits, Social Insurance Numbers (SIN), health insurance, and more.

Learn more about Queen’s from the SGSPA and see some of the great things Kingston has to offer new members of the community here.

Postdoctoral Spotlights

Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychology
Postdoctoral Fellow, Political Studies

Queen's is an organizational member of the National Postdoctoral Association

Visit their website to learn more