Tri-Agency postdoctoral fellowships are administered by Canada’s three major research funding agencies: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). Tri-Agency funding is highly competitive and awarded to outstanding researchers with demonstrated promise. We encourage you to apply for those opportunities for which you are eligible.
The following section serves as a repository for resources related to the CIHR Fellowship competition.
Important Deadlines
- Your application must be submitted through ResearchNet.
- CIHR postdoctoral fellowships participate in the eApproval process, which means that your application, once submitted on ResearchNet, will be electronically directed to the research office at your intended host institution. At Queen’s, this office is the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs.
- CIHR requires that you download and complete a signature sheet from ResearchNet (see Step 7, Application Instructions). Only signatures from applicant’s SUPERVISOR(s) are required before the document can be uploaded.
Information & Resources
- CIHR Fellowships FAQ
- Program Overview on ResearchNet
- A Guide to Registering with CIHR
- Completing the CIHR Equity & Diversity Questionnaire (all trainees and their supervisors must compete this new CIHR questionnaire if they have not already done so for another CIHR competition)
CCV Links
- Canada Common CV (CCV) login portal
- Academic CIHR CCV Reference Guide (CIHR’s summary on how to complete the Academic CCV)
Application Links
- ResearchNet login portal
- Application instructions
- Instructions for sponsor assessments, completed and submitted through ResearchNet (see Task 4)
SSHRC fellowships provide $45,000 (CAD) per year for a period of one or two years. Applications are due early in the fall with results announced in spring. For more information, see the SSHRC website.
The NSERC program supports researchers in the sciences and engineering fields, promoting highly qualified candidates for jobs in government, academia, and industry. Fellowships provide $45,000 (CAD) per year for two years. Application timelines, instructions, and more information about the program can be found on the NSERC website.