We are all done with Heat 1 of this year’s 3MT competition!
A massive thank you to all of the students who participated and shared their research – presenting years’ worth of thesis research in 3 minutes is not an easy task, and the students who presented today all did a fantastic job.
Here are the results for this Heat:
Third Place goes to Scott Davidson from Neuroscience! His presentation looked at a new Psychotherapy technique called neurostimulation, using gentle electrical currents to help deal with serios mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.
Second place goes to Ethan Januszkiewicz, also from Neuroscience! Ethan’s research looks into vesicles, which act like a package being delivered to our brains from our muscles after exercise.
First place goes to Dilakshan Srikanthan from Translational Medicine! Dilakshan shared his research into the development of a specialized device known as an iKnife, which allows brain surgeons to differentiate between tumor tissue and brain tissue in real time.
See you tomorrow for Heat 2!