Work/Life Balance in Warmer Months

Work/Life Balance in Warmer Months

As the seasons change and the weather gets warmer, it can be increasingly difficult to focus on your work (whatever that may be), instead of spending the day basking in the sun. Recently, I’ve struggled to spend time in nature during the hustle and bustle of the workday, and I’m sure that others can relate. Whether you’re spending the day in the library working on your thesis or clocking in to your ‘9-5’, it can be extremely challenging to prioritize yourself and your own needs once your “work” is done.

Here are some lessons that I will be taking with me this summer, and I hope that you can apply some of these to your life as well!

#1: Make room for hobbies during the workday.

For some, this could mean taking a walk on your lunch break or reading a book during your daily commute. For others, it could be as simple as taking a break from writing and putting on a podcast, or your comfort tv-show. Whatever it may be, make sure that the task is not work-related, and that it brings you joy!

#2: Treat yourself!

One of my favourite things to do after a long day (or week) at work is to treat myself with small luxuries. Often, I will set goals for myself throughout the week (e.g., finish a task that has been on my list for a while), and then I’ll reward myself for completing that goal (e.g., treat myself to a baked good at my favourite bakery). This can also mean treating yourself to a night of binge-watching a new tv-show or hosting a girl’s night with your closest friends… it is completely up to you!

#3: Start earlier, end earlier.

During the school year, I frequently struggled to set a decent routine for myself, and constantly felt like there weren’t enough hours in the day. For the first time in my life, I’ve settled into a more stable job that requires an early wake-up, and I’ve learned to appreciate the beauty of an earlier workday. As a result, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being able to finish work at a reasonable time, and still have enough energy to focus on myself and enjoy my evenings. This may seem like an easy fix, but it can be difficult to motivate yourself to change your routine and try something new (especially if you make your own hours). However, I promise that you will not be disappointed when your workday ends at 4:00pm, and you’ve mastered a work/life balance that is perfect for you.