What to check out besides books? Part 3: Let’s Get Digital with Online Library Resources

Students studying.

What to check out besides books? Part 1 looked at Joseph S. Stauffer Library, Part 2 shared resources at Queen’s University Libraries Locations and now in Part 3 we are going digital. Learning what online resources are available, where to find them and how to use them can be invaluable.

So, Let’s Get Digital and explore what Queen’s Library has to offer!


Queen’s Library uses Omni, an online advanced academic search engine that connects you with a wealth of resources. If you are new to Omni, the useful guide for searching on Omni is the best place to start. It introduces the Basic Search Principles, teaching you the nuances of effective searching. For example, using AND (in capitals) between two connected words like Research AND Library. The left hand menu is helpful for learning how to cite and export sources, follow citation trails and use filters effectively. 

If you need online support online reach out through the online Chat with Us Reference Desk or through texting the library at 1-613-704-7140.

Omni is used along with 17 partner libraries in Ontario. This network shares e-resources including, journals, articles, eBooks, reviews, legal documents, technical reports, conference proceedings, and research data sets, and physical material such as books. You can borrow or return any library material a partnering library which is especially useful if you are studying offsite or traveling. To request a book or physical item from another library, simply use your basic search on Omni and if it is not available at Queens, look for <Get it from another library> link below the title. After placing the request, the item usually shows up in 3-5 days.


Another useful online resource is QSpace. This digital repository has open access scholarship and research contributions from the Queen’s University community. As a graduate student, you will eventually deposit your thesis or dissertation here. Browsing through work of past students not only provides you with bibliographic resources, but also offers a clear understanding of  academic expectations and standards.

Specialized Databases

For a variety of academic and educational content, the Database Section is a must-visit. Here are some highlights:

The Video Collections Database

When you need a break from the rigorous demands of graduate studies or a creative spark for your projects, the Video Collections Database offers films and documentaries:

Additional e-resources that may be useful include:

Library Insights

The Collections Highlights
Library Answers - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Researcher Training and Support
Researcher Training Program
Research Data Management|
Scholarly Publishing
Publishing Support

Teaching and Learning Resources
Teaching & Learning Support
Copyright & Fair Dealing
Citing & Citation Management