WebPublish 3.0 Training - Basic


Tuesday October 6, 2020
6:30 am - 8:00 am


Virtual Teams Meeting

This workshop offers you the opportunity to learn how to use WebPublish 3.0 - Basic as the instructor walks step-by-step through the application and common tasks.

Topics to be covered include:

  1. Key differences between WP 2.0 and WP 3.0
  2. How to effectively use the support mechanisms in place
  3. Accessibility roles and responsibilities
  4. How to create and publish content
  5. How to add and arrange content using paragraphs
  6. How to upload assets, such as images and PDFs
  7. How to create news and events
  8. Basic administrative functions, including managing aliases, adding users to the publication, and assigning permissions
  9. Migrating from WP 2.0 to WP 3.0

Register for this session 

WebPublish 3.0 Training - Basic


Thursday September 24, 2020
10:30 am - 12:00 am


Virtual Teams Meeting

This workshop offers you the opportunity to learn how to use WebPublish 3.0 - Basic as the instructor walks step-by-step through the application and common tasks.

Topics to be covered include:

  1. Key differences between WP 2.0 and WP 3.0
  2. How to effectively use the support mechanisms in place
  3. Accessibility roles and responsibilities
  4. How to create and publish content
  5. How to add and arrange content using paragraphs
  6. How to upload assets, such as images and PDFs
  7. How to create news and events
  8. Basic administrative functions, including managing aliases, adding users to the publication, and assigning permissions
  9. Migrating from WP 2.0 to WP 3.0

Register for this session 

Basic service now available

As of August 14, 2020, members of the Queen's community can submit a request for the WebPublish 3.0 Basic service. They can do this by submitting an Intent to Publish form. Their request will be reviewed by the Website Governance Committee. Once the request has been reviewed and approved, an account will be provisioned and the WebPublish Service Team will be in touch to provide the credentials for the account.

Article Category

Updates: September 1, 2020

A summary of the changes made to the WebPublish Basic Service on September 1, 2020.

New features

New paragraph

2-column paragraph:

This paragraph type provides you with two WYSIWYG editor fields, allowing you to add content that will be displayed in a right and left column. Choose the ratio for how you'd like the columns to display (e.g., 30:70, 50:50).

Article Category