Data for Download
- Continuous soil temperature and moisture records for various vegetation types and for the birch hummock snowfence and greenhouse experiments at a low arctic tundra site since 2006 at 4 hourly and diel frequencies (Daring Lake, NWT, Canada). (Soil temperature and moisture diel data download (3.8MB); ReadMe file) (Comparable 4 hourly data are also available via Dropbox etc). Please contact Paul for details if you wish to use any of these data in a publication.
- CO2 emissions calculator for travel by small fixed-wing and helicopter aircraft as well as travel by commercial aircraft, rail or road.
- Soil texture data for the Bracken Tract old field meadow grassland near Newboro, Ontario. See Serafini et al, 2019 for details.
Research Protocols
Full list of detailed protocols (each available on request)
1. Lab/field safety (full version; short labwork-only version)
2. Labware washing (cleaning)
29. Soil pH - with focus on organic soils
35. Soil texture analysis/ Particle Size Analysis (hydrometer method)
36. Ion exchange membranes to measure soil nutrient availability
If you would like any of the others in the list, please e-mail Paul for the latest versions

Available Equipment and Analytical Capabilities
- Leaf and ecosystem chamber IRGA portable photosynthesis systems
- Leaf area meter and conveyor belt (courtesy of the phytotron glasshouse facility)
- Auto-analyser (NH4-N, NO3-N, PO4-P etc.)
- Total Organic Carbon and Nitrogen (liquid samples)
- Soil processing and fumigation equipment
- Dataloggers and environmental sensors
- Epifluorescence microscope with phase contrast and digital imaging
- Growth chamber facilities including a sub-zero freeze-thaw temperature unit
- Elemental Analyser for total carbon and nitrogen (solid samples)
- Gas sampling equipment for N2O, CH4 etc.
- Nucleic acid extraction and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis analytical equipment
- PCR thermocycler
We also have close links on campus to:

Local Links
- Queen’s University Biological Station
- Queen's Arctic Research Group
- Queen's glass house and growth chamber facilities
- Queen’s School of Environmental Studies