Welcome to the BIOL 510 webpage for Fall 2018 version of this course which was subtitled: Buddhism, Biology and Sustainability
This ecology course is aimed at identifying and critiquing potential mechanisms by which our civilization could most effectively move toward more sustainable living. This topic incorporates biogeochemical, ecological, economic, social, genetic and behavioural features and constraints. Each iteration of the course will focus on a specific thematic question related to at least some of those components. Emphasis will be on interactive discussions and student-led seminars in which participants will have ample opportunities to explore, analyze and synthesize scientific information, to learn how the scientific process works, to write and speak effectively, and to develop their understanding of global change issues and sustainability.
The principal question that this course will address is:
What conceptual linkages between contemporary Buddhism and Biology would be most useful in promoting sustainable living?
This course is for final year undergraduates and is specifically aimed at enhancing their capacities for critical thinking, intelligent open discussion, group work, and independent learning. The course will develop students' perspectives on the relationship between ecology and the sustainability of our current civilisation. Students will lead informal seminar discussions on some component of this theme that is of particular interest to them. The 2018 course will be largely focussed on reading and discussion of biology professor David Barash's 2013 book Buddhist Biology. Ancient Eastern Wisdom meets Modern Western Science.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of this course, the student should be able to:
- Critically assess the constraints (ecological, economic, social, behavioural and political) that underlie society’s current responses to global change issues
- Discuss, explain, and critique the similarities and differences in fundamental philosophical concepts between contemporary Buddhism and Biology
- Search, critically assess, and synthesize primary and secondary literature in the natural and social sciences
- Develop and present a cohesive, original, synthesis essay on the potential of contemporary Buddhist philosophical perspectives to promote more sustainable living
Professor: Paul Grogan
Seminar times: Mondays 13.00; Wednesdays 11.30
Location: Room 3110, (Labs 3312) Biosciences building
Calendar: Sessions are 1.5 hours
15% Active participation in discussions (questions, comments, suggestions)
15% Seminar written questions
30% Seminar
40% Synthesis essay (10% outline; 30% final submission)
Date | Title | Seminar convenor | Reading |
September 10th |
Course introduction |
Paul |
September 12th |
Newspaper draft Opinion piece and Video (Surviving Progress) discussion |
Paul |
Grogan, Newspaper draft opinion piece on Sustainability; Surviving Progress (Documentary film) |
September 17th |
Sustainability: What can Biology tell us about our future, and how ought we to live? (I) |
Paul |
Grogan, P. 2013. Our Anthropocene Future - What can biology tell us? Free Inquiry. February/March issue. Vol. 32(2):16-19. |
September 19th |
Sustainability: What can Biology tell us about our future, and how ought we to live? (II) |
Paul |
September 24th |
How can contemporary Buddhist teachings be used to override our innate biological drives and promote more sustainable living? |
Will Sardo |
Chapter 1. |
September 26th |
What aspects of consciousness allow us to move towards sustainable living? |
Sadie Read |
Chapter 2a (-midway p44). |
October 1st |
Why is the ‘self’ concept more of a problem than a solution to sustainable living? |
Michelle Lyons |
Chapter 2b. |
October 3rd |
What impact does the notion that everything is impermanent have on decisions we make with regards to sustainable living? |
Yona Traubici |
Chapter 3a (- last para p70). |
October 8th |
Thanksgiving holiday – No class |
October 10th |
How can we find a permanent solution for sustainability, if everything is impermanent? |
Jordyn Fregonese |
Chapter 3b. |
October 15th |
How can we promote the concept of connectedness as a means of changing behaviour in our anthropocentric Western world? |
Hannah Sachs |
Chapter 4a (-midway p. 96). |
October 17th |
What should we mean by sustainability? |
Katie Bertone |
Chapter 4b. |
October 22nd |
Can our selfish nature be constrained so as to achieve sustainability? |
Danielle Sawula |
Chapter 5a (-midway p123). |
October 24th |
If compassion is a core foundation of sustainability, how can we cultivate it in such a divided world? |
Katie Walker |
Chapter 5b. |
October 29th |
In what ways could a biologically-based interpretation of the karma concept promote or hinder sustainable behaviour? |
Michelle Cohen |
Chapter 6a (-top of p145). |
October 31st |
How could the Buddhist sustainability concept of compassion realistically be implemented in the Western world? |
Emma Douglas |
Chapter 6b. |
November 5th |
How does hope influence emotional and behavioural responses to global change issues? |
Maleeka Thaker |
Chapter 7a (-top of p171). |
November 7th |
How does the tradition of tending to conceptualize using dichotomies inhibit our ability to address issues of sustainability? |
Mae Rannells-Warren |
Chapter 7b. |
November 12th |
What should we mean by 'mindfulness' as a practice to promote sustainable living? |
Max Agius |
Wildcard #1 (Student chooses the reading for the whole class) |
November 14th |
Respect or fear: which is a better motivator to tackle global change issues? |
Jory Griffith |
Wildcard #2 (Student chooses the reading for the whole class) |
November 19th |
Essay preparation – No class |
Paul available for one-on-one consultation |
November 21st |
Essay preparation – No class |
Paul available for one-on-one consultation |
November 26th |
Synthesis I |
Paul |
November 28th |
Synthesis II |
Paul |
Back row: Sadie Read, William Sardo, Michelle Lyons, Katie Bertone, Danielle Sawula, Hannah Sachs, Jory Griffith, Yona Traubici, Max Agius, Michelle Cohen, Katie Walker
Front row: Maleeka Thaker, Jordyn Fregonese, Emma Douglas, Mae Rannells-Warren

Last Updated: 20 December, 2018