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African Liberation Theology: Intergenerational Conversations on Eritrea’s Futures

Ghirmai Negash and Awet T. Weldemichael

This book presents the phenomenon and relevance of Latin America-born Liberation Theology in the African postcolony of Eritrea. The authors describe the advent, context, and significance of Liberation Theology by historicizing and revisiting the global role of the Catholic Church and its stances on social justice in different places and historical times. Throughout the book, the authors engage in deep intergenerational conversations to unpack—and in the process understand—the stances of the Eritrean Catholic Church on the evolving sociopolitical and economic conditions in Eritrea since independence in 1991. They critically examine the country’s variegated path to its current state and invoke visionary legacies of Eritrean and African intellectuals and spiritual leaders in search for answers to the complex questions of democracy, nationalism, and identity. Consisting of four chapters, the book provides fresh perspectives on what it takes to initiate critical, constructive, and intergenerational dialogue so essential in the contemporary reality of the African postcolony, in general, and Eritrea, in particular.

Department of History, Queen's University

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