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Melissa Shaw (PhD 2021) to join McGill University's Department of History and Classical Studies

Dr. Melissa Shaw (PhD 2021) will join McGill University's Department of History and Classical Studies as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2022. 

Dr. Shaw completed her dissertation "Blackness and British Fair Play: Burgeoning Black Social Activism in Ontario and its Grassroots Responses to the Canadian Colour Line, 1919-1939" under the direction of Dr. Jane Errington in 2021. 

Dr. Errington described Dr. Shaw's thesis as "groundbreaking." In testament to the quality of her research, the Department of History awarded Dr. Shaw the Department's 2020-21 Dissertation Prize.

Dr. Shaw is currently a postdoctoral fellow at McGill University, where she is studying the university's connection to slavery and colonization. 

Congratulations, Melissa!

Melissa Shaw

Department of History, Queen's University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


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Queen's University is situated on traditional Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe territory.