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Large Contingent of Ph.D. Students Present at Halifax Conference

Nine Queen's History graduate students joined keynote speaker Daniel Woolf in presenting at the Northeast Conference on British Studies in Halifax, Nova Scotia this past weekend. 

Doctoral students Elyse Bell, Joe Borsato, Michaela Cardo, Scott Eaton, Rachel Hamilton, Alex Martinborough, Alexander Peacock, Heather Poussard, and Amelia Rosch spoke on topics ranging from transatlantic material culture to eighteenth-century travelogues alongside some familiar faces like Dr. Johanna Strong (MA 2019) and Dr. David White (PhD 2022). 

In addition, Daniel Woolf delivered one of the conference's two keynote addresses, entitled "Experiences of Defeat: Loss, Exile,and Dissent as Themes in British Historiography" and Amitava Chowdhury had a paper, "Anti-indenture as Antislavery: The Trope of Slavery in Britain and the British Empire," read on his behalf.

Congratulations to everyone on making this such an outstanding weekend!

Department of History, Queen's University

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