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Karen Lilja Loftsdottir (PhD Candidate) Presents at the Icelandic Festival in Gimli

PhD Candidate Karen Lilja Loftsdottir will be presenting “Iceland and Canada in the Second World War: A Social History of the Canadian Occupation of Iceland, 1940-1945” on August 6th at the Icelandic Festival in Gimli, Manitoba, which thousands of people attend each year. The festival has a rich history that Icelandic Canadians celebrate every year, and the festival has been held in Manitoba since the year 1890.

Karen is a second year PhD student at the Department of History and is researching the social history of the Canadian involvement in the Allied occupation of Iceland in the Second World War under the supervision of Dr. Allan English.

Congratulations, Karen!

See the Icelandic Festival website for more information.(link is external)

Department of History, Queen's University

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