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Holocaust Remembrance Day: "A Hungarian Tragedy: An Analysis of the Destruction of the Hungarian Jews" by Samuel Schonfeld

Our fourth and final undergraduate student research feature for Holocaust Remembrance Day is "A Hungarian Tragedy: An Analysis of the Destruction of the Hungarian Jews" by Samuel Schonfeld. 

As Samuel explains,

This paper explores the events and legislative acts that resulted in the destruction of the Hungarian Jews through the Tiszaeszlàr trial, Hungary’s Numerus Clausus Act of 1920, the “Second Jewish Law,” and the Hungarian actions taken during the Second World War. This essay explores how Hungary prepared itself for the elimination of its Jewry in the Nineteenth century, and how each element act and motion to eliminate the Jews built upon the previous one. Ultimately, the study shows how the final measures taken during World War II culminated in the destruction of the Hungarian Jews.


In honour of Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Department of History is featuring undergraduate student research from Tuesday, January 24th through Friday, January 27th. The department asked students to submit their work for consideration, and we have selected four different pieces that highlight the history of the Holocaust, the reconstitution of Jewish life in its aftermath, and the various problematic ways that the history of the Holocaust has been appropriated on social media in recent years. These four students completed their research papers in their History courses: HIST 295: The Holocaust taught by Dr. Gord Dueck and HIST 400: Transnational History of Jewish Migration taught by Bader Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Amy Fedeski. 

Each day this week, we will publish one of these student projects deemed to be the strongest of the many exceptional projects we received during our open submission call. We hope you enjoy reading our students’ work. The Selection Committee would like to thank all of those who submitted their work for consideration.


Department of History, Queen's University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


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