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Four History Faculty Members receive SSHRC Insight Grants

The Department of History is thrilled to announce that four of our faculty members were awarded Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grants in the 2022 competition.

  • Marc Epprecht, "Futures of Care: Community Challenges to Extraction in South Africa and Canada" (co-applicant). 
  • Laila Haidarali, "Beauty and 'The Unfinished Business of Democracy': Black Women, Fashion, and Modelling, 1945-1955."
  • David Parker, "Policymaking in the Mirror: Global Knowledge, National Image, and the 'Social Question' in South America, 1889-1943."
  • Awet Weldemichael, "Somalia after Piracy: The Political Economy of Maritime Resource Conflict in the Western Indian Ocean."

SSHRC Insight Grants support individual or collaborative research in the social sciences and humanities. 

Congratulations to all!

Department of History, Queen's University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


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