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The Russian democratic media in the 1990–2000s: What went wrong?

Nataliya Rostova
University of Maryland
Vasily Gatov
University of Southern California
Andrey Miroshnichenko
York University
Watson Hall 217

Organized by the Russian and Eastern European Studies Network (REES). 

The two decades after the collapse of the USSR, the 1990–2000s, were marked in Russia by historically unprecedented democratic transformations. The news media were both a moulder and a beneficiary of these transformations. They developed from the engine of freedom to a successful industry. However, as of 2022, Russia ranks only 155 out of 180 countries in the Press Freedom Index compiled by Reporters Without Borders.

What went wrong? Why were the democratic media unable to hold on to their achievements? Leading experts in the Russian media are looking for answers.

This is a HYBRID event. Join the Zoom meeting here. 



Nataliya Rostova is a Russian media historian and journalist (University of Maryland, USA). She is the author of two history projects about groundbreaking changes in Russia’s mass media and journalism: Gorby Media – The Birth of the Russian Media and Yeltsin Media – The Heyday of the Russian Media.

Vasily Gatov is a Russian media researcher (USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy) and the founder of the first media lab in Russia – Novosti Media Lab (2009). Gatov is a board member in WAN-IFRA (World association of newspapers and news publishers).

Andrey Miroshnichenko (moderator) is a media researcher (York University, Toronto) and the author of Postjournalism and the death of newspapers. The media after Trump: manufacturing anger and polarization (2020), Human as Media. The emancipation of authorship (2014) and a number of books on media, politics and futurology.

Department of History, Queen's University

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