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Bader College Information Session: History Summer Plus and Funding Your Upper Year Term

Gordon Hall, Welcome Centre

Join us for an upcoming information session on History Summer Plus at Bader College! Alex and Jenn from the History Department will be there to answer your questions about the program, and you will have a chance to learn more information on the History seminar HIST 402: Sex and Death in the Middle Ages. Learn more about History Summer Plus here

Additionally, Alex from Queen's Student Awards team and Admission Coordinator Jacob will share details on the various funding options available for Bader College's upper-year programs. We can answer questions about government student aid (OSAP & out of Province), Bader College bursaries, awards celebrating academic achievement, or navigating the available options. We're here to answer your questions.  

Discover the rich history and unique offerings of Bader College at one of our upcoming events! Gain insight into our diverse programs, hands-on learning opportunities, and supportive community. Join us and discover why Bader College is a one-of-a-kind destination for students seeking an unparalleled study abroad experience.

Plus, you’ll have the chance to win some great prizes, including an English Tea & Baked Goods gift basket or a UK Travel prize pack!

History Study Awards valued at a Minimum of $1,000 available for history students enrolled 2 of these courses: HIST 402/3.0: Sex & Death in the Middle Ages (HIST Options), IDIS 304/3.0: British Studies (HIST Substitution), or HIST 594/3.0: Independent Study Project.

Department of History, Queen's University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


Please note that the Department of History phone line is not monitored at all times. Please leave a voicemail or email sends email) and we will contact you as soon as we can.

Queen's University is situated on traditional Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe territory.