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18th Annual McGill-Queen's Graduate Conference in History


The Ties that Bind and Break Us: Exploring the ways we are connected and disconnected to History



Thursday March 11th, 2021
Panel I 
9:30-11:00am EST
Policy and Production: Variations on a Theme 
Chair: Dr. Jeffrey McNairn
Panel II
9:30-11:00am EST
Adventure Story: Narratives of Surveillance and Gender 
Chair: Dr. Lisa Pasolli
Keynote Talk 
11:00am-12:15pm EST
Dr. Adele Perry (University of Manitoba)
"Love and Rule: Feminist Histories of Empire and Intimacy"
Introduction by Dr. Karen Dubinsky
Panel III
1:00-2:30pm EST
Colonial Interventions: Indigeneity and Legislation 
Chair: Dr. Scott Berthelette
Panel IV
1:30-3:00pm EST
Cognitive Processes: Thinking about Thinking 
Chair: PhD Candidate, Victoria Cosby

Panel V
3:00-4:30pm EST
Religious Syncretism: Conflict, Colonialism, and Construction
Chair: Dr. Richard Greenfield


Friday March 12th, 2021
Panel I
9:30-11:00am EST
Soviet Affects: On Identity and Collective Memory
Chair: Dr. Rebecca Manley
Keynote Talk 
11:00am-12:15pm EST
Dr. Pablo F. Gómez (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
"Risk, Bodies and Disease: Transatlantic Slavery and the History of Science and Medicine"
Introduction by Dr. Jenna Healey
Panel II
1:00-2:15pm EST
Public Health from Head to Toe
Chair: Dr. Jenna Healey

Panel III
1:30-3:00pm EST
Situating the Self: Space and Community 
Chair: Dr. Jeffrey Brison

Panel IV
3:00-4:30pm EST
Forming Family in the Canadian Context
Chair: Dr. Jane Errington


Department of History, Queen's University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


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