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Liberalism, Authoritarianism and Citizenship in Latin America

A sepia-toned image of many men protesting crowded together wearing hats
Huelga a favor del abaratamiento de los artículos de consumo, noviembre de 1918. In English: Strike in favour of lowering the prices of consumers´ good, November 1918.

The period of the Latin American Revolutions of Independence has sparked an intense and ongoing discussion regarding the identity and character of these ‘new’ nations. Latin American historians have long debated the current-day impact of the foundational configuration of these nation-states, touching on subjects like republicanism, citizenship, progress, development and, certainly, democracy. 

This course will focus on a multicausal analysis of the period within and from Latin America. In doing so, this course will analyze how the continent has shaped itself politically and philosophically through the lens of historians. By following their interpretations and adding primary sources, we will pay close attention to modern Latin America's past and current historical narratives.    

Department of History, Queen's University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


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