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Monte McMurchy

Thirty years international experience in Civic Electoral Building and Civil Capacity Good Governance Development coupled with an academic background to the post graduate level in Ethics, Epistemology, Education, Political Science, Law and Moral Philosophy [Queen's University-University of Cambridge-University of Toronto-Harvard University] has allowed me to be reflective in civic governance post-conflict considerations as well as being able to consider prescriptive normative civil and military capacity institutional strengthening. My international assignments include service with the OSCE-United Nations-Commonwealth-Council of Europe-USAID-CIDA where I continue to provide prescriptive civic civil governance administrative political public advice.

Reflecting on his experience at Queen's: 

Military and diplomatic courses in the History Department intrigued me resulting in my concentration in a program of history--military, canadian intellectual history facilitated by academics most excellent--Prof Don Schurman in particular--and of course Prof Geoffrey Smith in his second year course on Conspiracy in American Political Historical Thought.

Each course in history I recall vividly whether military, canadian, or intellectual theory of history as each course inspired within me recognition that an understanding of past events is crucial in making sense of present day events direct and indirect. Faculty for me were at all times open and available for further discussion.

Knowledge is important as knowledge, regardless of discipline aggregates encouraging critical reflective thinkings which in my career path has proven positive prescriptive. The study of History is a noble enterprise affording the individual an opportunity to appreciate the contingency in events which to this day matter and have impact. One only needs to look around the world to see why/how a lacking in critical capacity creates roilings in political social publics. Even a prima facie knowledge of past events allows one a perspective ideally capable in calibrating a response not grounded in pure emotive expression--expressions with little basis in fact evidence.

History is more than mere facts as facts provide merely scaffolding in structuring an argument--history is thought and ethos in how the ethos evolved.

ACE Project profile(link is external)

"Political culture, strong institutions and electoral transition in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,"(link is external) Monte McMurchy

Université Chrétienne Internationnale, Le Chancelier Nzita et Le Recteur Mc Monte à la RTNC VOL 1(link is external)

Lessons in Courage, Power, and Persistence with Ambassador Wendy R Sherman now Deputy Secretary of State USA,(link is external) Monte McMurchy at 13 minutes

Department of History, Queen's University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


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