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John English

I attained my Ph.D. from Queen's University in 1989 while still in army (PPCLI) uniform. My Ph.D. thesis was subsequently published as The Canadian Army and the Normandy Campaign: A Study of Failure in High Command (Praeger, 1991). In 1992 I was awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC) fellowship and assumed a two-year history professorship at Queen's. In 1994 I was awarded a SSHRCC research grant and later published Marching through Chaos: The Descent of Armies in Theory and Practice (Praeger, 1996). From 1997 to 2002 I served as a Professor of Strategy with the US Naval War College and published Lament for an Army: The Decline of Canadian Military Professionalism (Irwin, 1998). On return to Canada I worked until November 2003 as director of the Defence Minister's Monitoring Committee on Change. On 19 October 2004 the Minister appointed me Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of the Brockville Rifles. My latest published work is Patton's Peers: The Forgotten Army Commanders of the Western Front 1944-45 (Stackpole, 2009).

Department of History, Queen's University

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