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Edwin Bezzina

I liked the seminar format of the program.  Queen's also has an excellent reputation. The program was known to be rigorous (i.e., lots of reading), but I enjoyed the readings and the program's rigour helped me considerably in graduate school.

I then went on to do a M.A. and Ph.D. in History at the University of Toronto.  Then, after several one-year contracts, I landed a tenure-stream appointment at the Grenfell Campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland, where I am now Associate Professor.  I finished the data entry and document transcription for my book project on Protestant-Catholic relations in the French provincial capital of Loudun (ca. 1560-ca. 1640); I also finished writing the introduction.  I believe strongly that the B.A. (Hons.) that I did at Queen's prepared me for graduate school (reading, writing, working in a seminar environment) and instilled in me a profound love of history.

Fondest Memories: I thoroughly enjoyed the lectures given by Dr. James Pritchard as well as Dr. James Stayer's seminar on the Reformation.  I worked with Dr. Paul Christianson on my senior research project and that was also memorable.   I used to enjoy as well the guest speakers that the Department would bring in.

Advice for History students: Try to develop a career path early in your degree (that will give you additional motivation).  Be open to the variety of paths available to history graduates.  While I believe that it's important to keep up with readings and assignments, try also to make time for extra-curricular activities (attending campus events, joining clubs, etc.).

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Department of History, Queen's University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


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