School of Environmental Studies

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School of Environmental Studies Student's Choice Professor of the Year Award

This award is presented by the Environmental Studies Department Student Council and is to recognize a Professor for their Excellence in Teaching.

This year's recipient is:

2023-2024 Ryan Danby

Nature of Award

This award is presented by the Environmental Studies Department Student Council and is to recognize a Professor for their Excellence in Teaching.

Nomination Criteria

The main criteria for this award includes outstanding contributions by a professor in the area of teaching, including their enthusiasm for course material, the ability to convey information effectively, and first-rate interactions with students (in and out of class).

Nomination Procedure

At the time of evaluation, all undergraduate students are informed of the award by email and asked to submit their e-votes to the Chair of the Environmental Studies Department Student Council.

Selection Process

The votes and comments from all undergraduate students are reviewed and tabulated by the Student Council members, and the Professor with the highest number of votes/positive comments is awarded.

Presentation of Award

The award recipient is presented with a desk plaque at the School of Environmental Studies Year End Reception by the Department Student Council.  Their name is also engraved on a name plate and attached to a wall plaque that hangs in the Environmental Studies Lounge for public viewing.

Past Winners

2023 - 2024 Ryan Danby
2022 - 2023 David McLagan
2021 - 2022 Geoffrey Hall
2021 - 2022 Diane Orihel
2021 - 2022 Graham Whitelaw
2020 - 2021 Myra Hird
2020 - 2021 Graham Whitelaw
2019 - 2020 Not Awarded
2018 - 2019 Ryan Danby
2017 - 2018 Graham Whitelaw
2016 - 2017 Not Awarded This Year
2015 - 2016 Ryan Danby
2014 - 2015 Steven Moore
2013 - 2014 Ryan Danby
2012 - 2013 Graham Whitelaw
2011 - 2012 Ryan Danby
2010 - 2011 Steven Moore
2009 - 2010 Ryan Danby
2008 - 2009 Graham Whitelaw
2007 - 2008 Linda Campbell
2006 - 2007 Gary vanLoon
2005 - 2006 Dale Kristensen
2004 - 2005 Alison Blay-Palmer
2003 - 2004 Dennis Jelinski

School of Environmental Studies Student's Choice Teaching Assistant Award

This award is presented by the Environmental Studies Department Student Council and is to recognize a Teaching Assistant for their outstanding contributions to course delivery and student mentoring.

This year's recipient is:

2023 - 2024 Giorgia Reeves

Nature of Award

This award is presented by the Environmental Studies Department Student Council and is to recognize a Teaching Assistant for their outstanding contributions to course delivery and student mentoring.

Nomination Criteria

The main criteria for this award includes their enthusiasm for course material and a positive learning environment, the ability to convey information effectively in tutorials and on an individual basis, and excellent interactions with students (in and out of class).

Nomination Procedure

At the time of evaluation, all undergraduate students are informed of the award by email and asked to submit their e-votes to the Chair of the Environmental Studies Department Student Council.

Selection Process

The votes and comments from all undergraduate students are reviewed and tabulated by the Student Council members, and the Teaching Assistant with the highest number of votes/positive comments is awarded.

Presentation of Award

The award recipient is presented with a desk plaque at the School of Environmental Studies Year End Reception by the Department Student Council.

Past Winners

2023 - 2024 Giorgia Reeves
2022 - 2023 Gabby Dee
2021 - 2022 Jason Young
2020 - 2021 Jacob Riha
2019 - 2020 Not Awarded
2018 - 2019 Sam Patterson, Environmental Studies
2017 - 2018 Siobhan Speiran, Environmental Studies
2016 - 2017 Not Awarded This Year
2015 - 2016 Cassandra Kuyvenhoven, Environmental Studies
2014 - 2015 Cassandra Kuyvenhoven, Environmental Studies
2013 - 2014 Claire Kryzcka, Environmental Studies
2012 - 2013 Colin Khan, Environmental Studies
2011 - 2012 Jonathon Chretien, Environmental Studies
2010 - 2011 Lyn Garrah, Environmental Studies
2009 - 2010 Kris Hart, Environmental Studies
2008 - 2009 Alex Ayotte, Environmental Studies
2007 - 2008 Paul Carey, Environmental Studies
2006 - 2007 Chris Canning, Sociology
2005 - 2006 Deviah Aiama, Biology
2004 - 2005 Grant Bishop, Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering
2003 - 2004 Nabil Mailloux, Chemistry