Overview of Graduate Student, Post-Doctoral, and TA

Whether you are a first-time teaching assistant (TA) or an experienced TA, there are some things you might want to consider (or brush up on!) before you start teaching this semester.

Programs and Events from the CTL

Keep an eye on our Upcoming Events Calendar for more workshops from the CTL!

Teaching Development Conference (TDC)

The Teaching Development Conference (TDC) at Queen’s is a signature event hosted each Fall by the Centre for Teaching and Learning. It is an opportunity for all educators to start the academic year with networking and professional development on innovations in teaching. This event is for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, faculty, and teaching staff from across disciplines to come together to learn and share ideas. 

Teaching Development Conference (TDC) Teaching Development Conference (TDC)

PUTL Modules

Professional Development in University Teaching and Learning (PUTL)

As part of your professional development, you may be interested in submitting work towards each of the Professional Development in University Teaching and Learning (PUTL) components.

A Letter of Completion in PUTL will be awarded to successful candidates who complete five (5) of the seven (7) modules. This includes two mandatory and three optional modules.

PUTL Modules PUTL Modules

SGS 902: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

SGS 902 is intended for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows across the disciplines who want to develop as skilled, thoughtful, and confident post-secondary teachers. The goal of the course is to challenge and broaden conceptions of learning and approaches to teaching.

SGS 902 SGS 902

Educational Development Associate (EDA) Program

The EDA program is an internship-like opportunity for graduate students with an interest in teaching and learning. Each year the Centre hires up to three graduate students to work closely with an educational Developer to design and deliver programming to support TAs', graduate students' and post-doctoral fellows' ongoing professional development as educators. If you're interested in the possibility of work as an EDA, look for announcements each May for upcoming opportunities.

Contact the current EDAs at TA&GradCTL@queensu.ca if you would like any additional information about CTL programming for graduate students.

Educational Development Associate (EDA) Program