130 Years of Remote Learning at Queen's
From the Gold Rush through two world wars to the dawn of the internet age up until now, Queen’s University has been delivering exceptional distance learning programs.
Donation from Bader Philanthropies, Inc., will revitalize the Agnes Etherington Art Centre, create a new home for the Bader Collection, and help researchers and students.
QUBS celebrating 75th anniversary
Queen's University Biological Station launches video highlighting its role in fostering leading-edge research, experiential learning, science outreach, and biodiversity conservation.
Queen’s celebrates Indigenous graduates
University leadership and staff share message of congratulations on National Indigenous Peoples Day, as Anishinaabek and Haudenosaunee flags are raised on campus.
Gift to help the Isabel foster a more inclusive community
Revolutionizing art conservation at Queen's
A $1 million donation from the Jarislowsky Foundation allows Queen’s to acquire leading-edge technology that will be the only of its kind in Canada
Dr. Hutchinson Elected as a Fellow of the CAE
Congratulations to Dr. Jean Hutchinson, who has been elected as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE).