Have a question about your academics? Use our resources and online tools or connect with an academic advisor.

We are here to support your academic journey in Arts and Science. Browse our various online tools below and, if you still have questions, connect with one of our academic advisors to have your questions answered.
Where to Start
There is a wealth of information on our website, and we encourage you to see if your questions can be answered through the resources provided here. You can search for key words using the magnifying-glass search function, or visit these pages for help:
- First-Year Registration Guide
- Course Enrolment
- Course Planning & Options
- Academic Calendar
- Leaving and Returning to Studies
- "To Drop or Not To Drop" - Video with advice on dropping or altering courses
- Upcoming Academic Dates and Deadlines
- Graduation Information
Connect with an Academic Advisor
How can I get one-on-one help from an Academic Advisor?
Drop-in advising on Zoom is the fastest way to meet directly with an advisor for a confidential conversation to address your questions. If your issue is more complex and takes longer to address, your advisor may book you a follow-up appointment, but most students will be able to get the support they need through their conversation with the advisor in a drop-in session.
Advisors can help you work through general academic inquiries and concerns, help you set your goals and academic plans for your degree completion, and help you feel confident and comfortable with your academic choices throughout your studies at Queen’s. If you’re going through difficulties that are affecting your academic success, come see us as soon as possible! Our advisors can explain options and connect you with resources to help you cope with extenuating circumstances.
What should I do before connecting with an advisor?
To make your advising meeting as helpful as possible, we expect you to have done some research and consideration of your concerns before you meet with an Academic Advisor.
You will likely find answers, resources, and options on the Arts and Science website, and you can access a summary of your degree completion status on SOLUS through the Academic Progress tile. Please plan to spend some time investigating, learning, and compiling your questions as you prepare to meet with an advisor.
How do I connect with an advisor?
Advisors meet with students one at at time on a first-come, first-served basis, using our online queueing system. When you’re in the electronic queue and your turn arrives, you'll be sent a text with a link to join the session on Zoom.
Please note that students are required to sign into their Queen’s email address when joining our Zoom meetings. You will need to click the key icon labelled “SSO”, make sure the domain is set to “queensu”, and enter your email address without “.ca” as well as your netID password. For assistance, please follow this Zoom SSO tutorial. If you are still having difficulties logging on after following the tutorial, please contact ITS at 613-533-6666 during Drop-In hours for assistance.
How else can I receive academic help?
If your questions are time-sensitive and you can't join the queue today to speak with an advisor online, you can call our office and speak to an academic resource advisor on weekdays for help with your questions. Our advisors are available by phone at the following times (EST):
- Monday: 9:00-11:45 am
- Tuesday: 9:00-11:45 am
- Wednesday: 1:00-4:00 pm
- Thursday: 9:00-11:45 am
- Friday: 9:00-11:45 am; 1:00-4:00 pm