Recognizing student leadership Student Affairs annual awards showcase student commitment, passion and action.
Queen’s announces six Canada Research Chairs Through these appointments, the university is strengthening its position as a leader in research and innovation.
Building international research collaborations FAS researcher Thomas Barthelmé earns funding from NSERC for his Anosov Dynamics project.
Trailblazer recognized for research excellence and upcoming summer workshop FAS Professor Felicia Magpantay earns Senator Tobias C. Enverga Jr. Medal of Excellence.
Queen's researchers awarded King Charles III Coronation Medals The honour recognizes significant contributions and exceptional service to Canada.
A golden philosophical opportunity Local high school students come to Queen’s to debate philosophical questions.
Honouring Black histories, shaping Black futures Dr. Yolande Bouka is using the power of storytelling to amplify Black women’s voices and their impact on policy, while continuing to advance Black scholarship at Queen’s.
Revved Up’s perfect synergy Exercise program for persons living with disability connects community to student learning and research.