Guidelines / Policies / Templates

Welcome to the Guidelines, Policies and Templates page for Research Ethics at Queen’s University.

This centralized hub is your go-to resource for navigating the ethical landscape of research at our institution. Here, researchers will find a comprehensive repository of guidelines, policies, and templates for use to facilitate the ethical conduct of their research studies.

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Informed Consent Templates are listed below this table.


Topic Guidelines / Policies Available Templates Last Updated
Case Report Study/Series Guidelines on Case Report Study/Series  Case Report Series/Study Consent Form Template (WORD 98 KB) 04/09/2024
Debriefing Material for Studies Involving Deception     Debriefing Material for Studies Involving Deception (WORD 86 KB) 04/09/2024
Draws and Lotteries Guidelines on Draws/Lotteries as Incentives  Draws/Lottery Template (WORD 88 KB) 04/09/2024
Focus Groups and Semi Structure Interviews  Guidelines and Facilitator Guide for Focus Groups/Semi-Structured Interviews    Focus Group/Semi-Interview Script Template (WORD 83 KB) 04/09/2024
Master Linking Log and Participant Information Log Guidelines on Master Linking Log and Participant Contact Information Log  Master Linking Log Template (WORD 108 KB)

 Data Collection Sheet Template (WORD 102 KB)
QA, QI and PE Guidelines on QA, QI and PE   11/06/2023
Recruitment Guidelines on Recruitment Posters and Emails  Recruitment Poster Template - GREB (WROD 151 KB)
 Recruitment Poster Template - HSREB (WORD 138 KB)
 Recruitment Email Template (WORD 80 KB)
Snowball Recruitment Guidelines on Snowball Recruitment  Snowball Recruitment Template (WORD 85 KB) 04/01/2024
Social Media in Research Guidelines on the Use of Social Media in Research   11/06/2023
Peer Review Guidelines   Guidelines on Peer Review   Peer Review Template (WORD 104 KB) 02/07/2024
Checklist of Submission Requirements for Applicant  Checklist for Applicants   04/08/2024

Informed Consent Guidelines and Templates

The consent process is fully discussed in Chapter 3 of the Tri-Council Policy Statement Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2). This includes a discussion of the information generally required for informed consent. The following are some sample consent forms that you may use to guide the development of the consent forms that are most appropriate to your research study. 

Do not be concerned by the length of these templates. They are long only because they contain guidance and explanations which are for you and which you will not be including in the informed consent forms that you develop and provide to participants in your research. 

Informed Consent Form Guideline/Policy  Document 
Alterations to Standard Consenting Procedures Guidelines on Alterations to Standard Consenting Procedures
Waiver of Consent Guidelines on Waiver of Consent


Informed Consent Form Name Description Template
ICF for Prospective Research with Human Participants-GREB  This ICF template is to be used for prospective research studies involving human participants submitted to GREB. Prospective research evaluates the relationship between people and their surroundings, including how people interact with each other, their communities, and institutional systems. They include psychological phenomena such as emotions, biases, and motivations. Psychological therapy and counselling studies fall under behavioural research. Emergent design and community-based studies are considered social science and behavioural research unless a clinical intervention is involved. Common methods include, but are not limited to, interviews, focus groups, surveys, questionnaires, behavioural therapy workshops, experimental coaching, and observations.    ICF template for Prospective Research with Human Participants-GREB 
ICF for Prospective Research with Human Participants-HSREB  This ICF template is to be used for prospective research studies involving human participants submitted to HSREB. Prospective research evaluates the effects of one or more health-related interventions on health outcomes. Investigations include, but are not restricted to, drug administration, surgical procedures, radiologic procedures, devices, genetic therapies, cells and other biological products, radiopharmaceuticals, natural health products (NHPs), preventive care, manual therapies, psychotherapies, as well as prospectively collecting data/biological specimens, or interventions and physical interventions, interviews, surveys, questionnaires, focus groups/sharing circles, biological sample collection, creation of a database, etc.  ICF template for Prospective Research with Human Participants-HSREB 
Verbal Consent Documentation Log Template  Informed Consent could also be conducted verbally. Ensure documentation of verbal consent by using the verbal consent log template. This can be used for studies submitted to either HSREB or GREB.    Verbal Consent Log Template—HSREB and GREB