Indigenous Research

Indigenous research is conducted by or with First Nations, Inuit, Métis or other Indigenous societies and individuals while engaging with Indigenous knowledge systems in a culturally appropriate manner. It addresses issues relevant to Indigenous peoples and results in meaningful outcomes that benefit them directly. Knowledge gathering grounded in Indigenous ways of being arises in relationship to the land, language, community and all beings. In adhering to the principles such as respect, relevance, reciprocity, and responsibility (Kirkness & Barnhardt, 1991), Indigenous research projects facilitate the enactment of relational accountability which is fundamental to building strong research partnerships.

The importance of Indigenous research is embedded in key institutional documents such as the  Strategic Research Plan 2025-2030. These documents assert Queen’s commitment to the codes of research practice that are grounded in informed consent and reciprocal relationships with Indigenous communities, expressed in the phrase “Nothing about us without us.”

Bridging the Policy-Practice Gap: In Search of a New Model of Indigenous Research Ethics Review at Queen’s University

This report summarizes the findings of the qualitative research which explored options for designing a new Indigenous research-related ethics review model at Queen’s. The research methods included an online survey questionnaire distributed to Queen’s faculty members who collaborate with Indigenous communities, and remote, in-depth interviews with key internal knowledge holders (Indigenous and settler researchers, students, staff supporting Indigenous initiatives, REB members, ethics office staff), and external experts (members of the Tri-Agency Reference Group for the Appropriate Review of Indigenous Research and SSHRC’s Indigenous Advisory Circle).

View the Findings Report (PDF 9 MB)

Feedback about Indigenous Research Ethics Review Findings Report

Queen’s campus community members are welcome to use this form to provide feedback about the report.

Knowledge by Portia Chapman

Portia “Po” Chapman is a local Canadian born, award-winning, contemporary artist reclaiming her Indigenous Ancestry. Po is a graduate of the Queen’s University Bachelor of Fine Art Honours program (Visual Art / Indigenous Studies) and recipient of the 2019 Graduation Visual Art Award. She is a multidisciplinary artist pursuing a teaching career focusing on Visual Arts and First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies. Po’s “My Creation” is featured on the cover of the inaugural edition of the Queen’s ASUS Journal of Indigenous Studies. As a child from rural Ontario, she grew up playing in the forest and listening to the sounds of nature.

Portia's website

The website of the Office of Indigenous Initiatives offers useful information about Indigenous-centred research and Queen’s faculty members whose research programs involve collaboration with Indigenous communities.

Learn more:

Research Advisor, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigenization

Research Advisor, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigenization (EDII) provides expert advice and education to address EDII requirements in provincial, national and international funding competitions.

The Research Advisor EDII serves as a primary contact and strategic resource for researchers to integrate EDII into team composition, research design, processes, analysis, and interpretation, and communication of research results.

Aleksandra Bergier, PhD
Research Advisor, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigenization (EDII)
