Research Data Management at Queen’s

What's New?

The Research Data Storage Finder (RDSF) is now available to the Queen’s research community. This self-service, interactive tool was designed to help researchers identify and compare available research data storage options for active, backup, and long-term data management.

 Learn more on the Queen's Gazette.

 Access the Research Data Storage Finder.

What is Research Data Management?

Research data management (RDM) refers to the processes applied through the lifecycle of a research project to guide the collection, documentation, storage, sharing and preservation of research data ( Tri-Agency, 2021). A key component of research excellence, the importance of RDM practices are increasingly recognized world-wide to ensure the responsible conduct of research, to save resources during the research process, and to contribute to research impacts.

Data management plans and the deposit of research data are steadily being requested for funding applications and/or journal submissions. Consult our team when applying to a Tri-Agency grant that requires a data management plan at the time of grant submission and/or when collaborating with external partners on projects that involve sharing data – you may need to establish a Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) or Data Transfer Agreement (DTA).

Support Available for Queen’s Researchers

The Research Data Management team in the Vice-Principal Research portfolio can assist you with:

  • Aligning the adoption of the Queen’s RDM Institutional Strategy with wise practices in RDM;
  • Support development of and improvements to research-centric tools, technologies and service supports; and
  • The development of DMPs in relation to grant applications.

Connect with our Research Data Management team.

Tri-Agency RDM Policy

In March 2021, Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy was released to support Canadian research excellence by promoting best practices in research data management and stewardship.

The policy includes three pillars:

The development of institutional RDM strategies

Data Management Plans for grant applications

Data deposit for grant-funded projects

Queen’s released its Institutional RDM Strategy in 2022 to promote the use of wise and responsible research data management practices. The strategy outlines various approaches to institutional support for RDM tools, resources, and infrastructure, awareness-raising activities, and special considerations.

As part of a pilot program, data management plans (DMP) were required for several Tri-Agency granting opportunities. Queen’s Research Services and the Queen’s University Library support the research community in the preparation of DMPs for these pilot grant applications and for DMPs needed for any other research project.

Implementation for the data deposit requirement is forthcoming. Queen’s University Library supports researchers with resources and services to support data deposit and sharing, including managing and curating data deposits in the Queen's Dataverse Collection.

Using the DMP Assistant

Watch this short video to understand how you can use the Data Management Plan Assistant to create your data management plan.

 See video transcript (PDF 38.9 KB)