Students who do not qualify for government or Queen’s University financial aid may wish to consider other options. These can include external awards or a student line of credit.
External Awards
External awards are offered by employers and organizations and often look at criteria other than academics such as athletics, extracurricular activities, leadership, community involvement, volunteer work, and areas of specialization.
- External Awards are not funded by Queen’s University
- Financial Aid and Awards cannot guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information listed on those websites not administered by Queen's
- When searching for external scholarships and awards, please beware of phishing attempts and research external award organizations before providing any personal information
Often you must apply well in advance for an award for the next academic year, so start looking early!
You may be eligible for an external award from:
- Some provincial governments offer scholarships to high school students continuing their studies at the post-secondary level. For example: British Columbia, Passport to Education and in Alberta, The Alexander Rutherford Scholarships
- Your parent's employer or union (e.g. Bell Canada, Lafarge Canada, NAV Canada, Weyerhaeser Canada)
- Clubs or associations where you or your parents have membership (e.g. Rotary, Kinsmen, Masons, Cadets)
- Businesses, organizations, and interest groups dedicated to assisting specific categories of students. Criteria may include particular disciplines of study, visible minority groups, community involvement, and/or financial need
Below are some external award databases that feature various award offers for post-secondary students. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. Please refer directly to the organizational websites for specific criteria and deadlines.
To remain eligible to retain an external award, you must remain in full-time studies for both the fall and winter academic terms. If you drop below a full-time course load, the external organization will be contacted. It will be up to the discretion of the external organization to remove, pro-rate, or allow the student to retain the full amount of the scholarship or award.
Contact Information
Awards to be applied to a student’s tuition and fees can be made payable to Queen’s University. When writing the award cheque, ensure that you have included the student’s full name and 8-digit Queen’s Student ID number on or attached to the cheque. Please forward any award cheques and accompanying documents to the following address:
Financial Aid and Awards Office, Queen’s University
74 Union St. (Gordon Hall Room 125)
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT):
For any EFT payments of external awards, please contact We will provide you with the appropriate banking information and instructions to make sure your payment is applied to the correct student(s) in a timely manner.
T4A Information
Unless otherwise instructed, Queen’s University will issue a T4A for all external awards processed by the Financial Aid and Awards Office. If there is a policy requiring that T4As be produced by your organization, please include a letter accompanying the award cheque stating that a T4A will be produced by the external organization. This will prevent Queen’s from processing an additional T4A.
Partnerships with Award Organizations
We value our award partnerships. We encourage you to visit the websites listed for awards administered by external agencies with Queen’s partnerships.
The C.D. Howe Scholarship Endowment Fund supports scholarships to students enrolled in a Bachelor of Engineering program in a Canadian university. Up to 2 scholarships will be available. These scholarships are valued at $7,500 CAD per year, tenable for up to 3 consecutive years or until first degree is obtained. Eligible applicants must:
- Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
- Be entering the second year of a Bachelor of Engineering degree program in September
- Have completed the first year program in a Canadian faculty of engineering and intend to continue their studies in engineering
- Have attained a first class standing as defined by the nominating institution
Over the next two years, CIBC has committed $500,000 towards the CIBC Future Heroes Fund, a bursary program created as a tribute to the people who are bravely fighting COVID-19 and to support the next generation in their ambition of having a career in health care. For the 2021-22 academic year, 125 entrance bursaries will be available to students entering their first year of a first degree, be it a bachelor or diploma in an eligible health care program, at 50 select Canadian registered colleges or universities. Each bursary is valued at $2,500 CAD for a one-year award.
The Gates Cambridge Scholarship programme was established in October 2000 by a donation of US$210m from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to the University of Cambridge. Each year Gates Cambridge offers 80 full-cost scholarships to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. Approximately two-thirds of these awards will be offered to PhD students, with approximately 25 awards available in the U.S. round and 55 available in the International round. The Gates Cambridge mission is to build a global network of future leaders committed to improving the lives of others. It aims to achieve this mission by selecting outstanding scholars, providing them with financial and non-financial support at one of the world’s leading universities and facilitating community building at and beyond Cambridge.
The Loran Scholars Foundation looks beyond grades to identify values-driven youth who demonstrate strength of character, a deep commitment to service, and exceptional leadership potential.
Offered in partnership with 25 Canadian universities, the Loran Award and renewable for up to four years of undergraduate studies. But it’s not just about financial support: It's about personal growth. Loran Scholars benefit from a four-year leadership-enrichment program, financial support for undergraduate studies in the form of a tuition waiver and living stipend, diverse opportunities for experiential learning, one-on-one mentorship from a business or community leader, scholar gatherings, and a long-term community of peers, alumni, and supporters from coast to coast to coast.
Financial support includes:
- An annual living stipend of $12,000
- A tuition waiver of up to $12,000 annually, tenable at one of our partner universities
- Up to $14,000 for the summer experiential learning program
Applicants not selected for a Loran Award are still eligible for a one-time entrance award of $6,000 for Loran Finalists or $3,000 for Loran Provincial and Territorial Awards.
To determine your eligibility for this award and to begin the application process, visit
Eligibility Criteria
High school Students
- Be entering university for the first time in September 2025.
- Present a minimum cumulative average of 85%.
- Hold Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status.
- Be born between January 1, 2003, and September 1, 2009.
CEGEP Students
- Be in your last year of CEGEP before entering university studies.
- Be entering university for the first time in September 2025.
- Present an R score equal to or higher than 29.
- Hold Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status.
- Be born between January 1, 2003, and September 1, 2009.
Up to four (4) scholarships at the bachelor level, distributed as follows: one in the category of Physical Disability, one in the category of Sensory Disability, two in any of the following categories: Physical Disability, Sensory Disability, Mental Health Disability, and Learning Disability. These scholarships are valued at $2,000 CAD, available for one academic year.
Eligible applicants must:
- Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada
- Be diagnosed with a permanent disability which is documented and is the primary disability for which they are applying
- Be enrolled in full time studies in a first bachelor degree program
- Be enrolled in their second or third standing year of studies during the 2022-23 academic year
- Be nominated by an eligible institution
- Have a minimum cumulative average of 80% (or equivalent) over the last three terms of available marks. Non-academic courses such as career or personal development related courses will not be considered
Evaluation criteria:
- Academic performance
- Volunteer/community involvement and/or extracurricular activities
- Quality and relevance of the reference letters
Queen’s may nominate one student per academic year. Please send the following to by May 1, 2022 in order to be considered for nomination:
- Letter of reference-Academic
- Letter of reference- Extracurricular
- Unofficial Transcript
Queen’s Financial Aid and Awards will inform the successful applicant and provide them with the letter of nomination for their application due to Universities Canada on June 8, 2022.
Please see the scholarship guidelines (PDF, 86 KB) for more information.
Learn about fully funded graduate study opportunities!
The McCall MacBain Scholarships cover tuition and fees for an eligible master’s or professional program at McGill University, a living stipend of $2,000 a month, mentorship, and leadership development opportunities. Learn more about the McCall MacBain Scholarship.
Up to 30 full scholarships and 80 entrance awards will be granted based on character, community engagement, leadership potential, entrepreneurial spirit, academic strength, and intellectual curiosity. Applications open June to September 2022 for fall 2023 admission.
The Rhodes Scholarships are considered the oldest and most prestigious international scholarships for outstanding scholars from any academic field of study. Funded by the estate of Cecil J. Rhodes (the Rhodes Trusts), the Rhodes Scholarships support students who demonstrate a strong propensity to emerge as 'leaders for the world's future.' Rhodes Scholarships are tenable for postgraduate studies or a second bachelor's degree at Oxford University for two years with the possible extension of a third year. Eleven Canadian Rhodes Scholars are chosen each year from among those nominated by Canadian universities from across the country, including two scholarships in Ontario. Students need to seek institutional endorsement from Queen’s to apply. Details and deadlines are available on the Office of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor’s website.
Student Line of Credit
A student line of credit is repayable loan assistance from a bank or credit union.
Unlike government student loans, a student line of credit is not based on financial need. To qualify, you usually require a valid Canadian co-signor (e.g. parent or guardian). Approval is based on the co-signor's credit worthiness. Students enrolled in professional programs (e.g. Law, Medicine, etc.) may not require a co-signor in recognition of future earning potential (please contact your financial aid institution for further details).
You can apply for a student line of credit at most major Canadian banks. Each will have their own terms and interest fees.
While you are enrolled in full-time studies, you are only responsible for repaying the interest on the funding you have borrowed. You begin repayment of the principal when you cease full-time studies (either through graduating or withdrawing from full-time studies).