The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) has three units:
- Financial Aid and Awards, which coordinates student financial assistance in all of its forms – undergraduate scholarships, awards, and bursaries, and government assistance for graduate and undergraduate students in all years of study
- Student Information Systems, which coordinates SOLUS, the online Student Centre, and the course timetable
- Student Records and Services/Faculty Services, which is responsible for managing student record collection and retention, registration, tuition, and fees, Queen's photo ID (your student card), transcripts, exam scheduling, and administration, course evaluation (QSSET), and convocation/graduation
OUR Organizational Chart (PDF 84 KB)
OUR Management (PDF, 30 KB)
Office Hours
- Our office is open 9:30 am to 4:00 pm EST, Monday to Friday
- We are closed on statutory holidays
Unit Contact Information
- Financial Aid
- Other Government Student Financial Aid Programs
- Bursaries
- Scholarships/Awards
Email Addresses
Current Students: Responses to email communication will be done through your Queen's email account only. Please provide your full name and student number on all correspondence.
General Inquiries:
- OSAP, Government Student Aid
Admission Awards:
- Admission scholarships, bursaries, and other awards
- General Bursary, Work Study, exchange and Bader College bursaries
Mailing Address
Office of the University Registrar
Financial Aid and Awards
74 Union Street, Gordon Hall
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
- Phone: (613) 533-2216
- Fax: (613) 533-6409
- Accessible Entrance: Enter through the ground floor doors to the left of the outside staircase.
Financial Aid and Awards - Organizational Chart (PDF, 36.8 KB)
- Course Registration
- Tuition Fees
- Ancillary Fees
- Payments
- International status change
- Transcripts
- Student Cards
- Convocation/Graduation
- T2202 Income Tax Certificates
- Verification of Enrolment
- Diploma Replacements
Faculty Services:
- Exam accommodations and scheduling
- Course evaluation (QSSET)
Contact us by email or by phone:
- Student Services: (613) 533-2040
- Document Requests: or (613) 533-2040
- Exams: or (613) 533-2101
- Student Financials (PPL, Refunds, Third Party contracts, APA, Appeals, TAP waivers): (613) 533-6902
- Graduation: or (613) 533-2040
- Photo ID Cards: or (613) 533-2040
- Registration, Tuition and Fees: or (613) 533-6894
- Student Records: or (613) 533-6894
- Transcripts: or (613) 533-2040
Mailing Address
Gordon Hall, Room 125
74 Union Street,
Kingston, Ontario
K7L 3N6
- Fax: (613) 533-2068
Student Records and Services - Organizational Chart (37.3 KB)
Hours of Operation
8:30 am to 4:30 pm EST
IT support for staff
Gordon Hall, Room 225
74 Union Street,
Kingston, Ontario
K7L 3N6
Information Services - Organizational Chart (PDF, 35.1 KB)
Hours of Operation
8:30 am to 4:30 pm EST
Timetable Renewal Project
Gordon Hall, Room 225
74 Union Street,
Kingston, Ontario
K7L 3N6