The Timetable Office is responsible for building the undergraduate timetable, communicating information regarding timetabling (including capacity, technical resources, and availability) to academic departments, and coordinating the booking of teaching space.
Timetabling Room Information
The Timetabling Office schedules courses and assists in the allocation of teaching space for ad hoc bookings.
Here you can find information on the different rooms available on campus.
In the event that any instructor encounters a locked door, please have him/her contact the Fixit Desk at 77301 during regular hours of operation (Monday- Friday, 8 am–4 pm) or the Emergency Report Centre at 36080 after hours, so a custodian can be immediately dispatched to the affected room.
Ad hoc booking requests (e.g., one day seminars, guest lecturers, midterms, special screenings, etc.) are managed by the Office of the University Registrar.
Each department has an administrator who has access to a Room Booking and Self-Service Portal to either request or self-service a room booking. Please contact your department administrator to submit your ad hoc booking request. If you still have questions about making a booking, or are a departmental administrator who needs help accessing or using the portal, please email
Timetabling Resources
- Timetable Production Timeline 2025-26 (PDF, 137.3 KB)
- DCU User Manual (PDF, 3 MB)
- University Timetable Committee
- Timetabling in the Collective Agreement
- Campus Map
Course Slot Charts
There are four different formats of the course slot chart to choose from:
- Text only (PDF, 28.3 KB)
- Graphic with boxes in which to write your courses (PDF, 52 KB)
- Slots organized by time (PDF, 33 KB)
- Slots organized by slot number (PDF, 32 KB)