Indigenous Council of Queen's University

The Indigenous Council of Queen's University (ICQU) was established in 1992, in conjunction with the Aboriginal Education and Training Strategy introduced by the provincial government.

" ensure that for generations hereafter Aboriginal peoples will have access to higher education at Queen's University, and that the institution will be responsive to the broader needs of Aboriginal peoples."

The Indigenous Council of Queen’s University provides guidance on Indigenous programs and services at Queen’s. The Council is composed of representatives from Indigenous communities in Ontario, as well as Indigenous and non-Indigenous faculty, staff, students and senior administrators. The Council reports directly to the University Senate and Board of Trustees.

Working Groups of Indigenous Council

The work of Indigenous Council is informed by the Working Groups. The Working Groups meet regularly throughout the academic year and provide a report to Council on the progress of the work for each Council meeting.

Indigenous Student Access and Support Working Group

The Indigenous Student Access and Support working group supports the following policy objectives:

  • To enhance equitable access and participation of Indigenous learners in all programs and services at Queen’s University and;
  • To increase the admission, retention, and academic success of Indigenous students by developing and providing programs - including bridging and access programs and specialized.

Indigenous Knowledge, Curriculum and Research Working Group

The Indigenous Knowledge, Curriculum and Research working group supports the following policy objectives:

  • To ensure and enhance partnerships between Queen’s University and Indigenous communities with the goal of developing collaborative research and learning projects that explicitly honour and value Indigenous culture, ways of knowing and languages;
  • To more fully integrate the teaching of Indigenous perspectives and content in courses and programs across the university to recognize Indigenous history, culture and ways of knowing and;
  • To develop academic programs to meet the needs of Indigenous students at Queen’s University.

Cultural Awareness and Programming Working Group

The Cultural Awareness and Programming group supports the following policy objectives:

  • To enhance the cultural climate for Indigenous faculty, staff and students at Queen’s University by providing culturally appropriate support services, an increased cultural presence and a gathering place for Indigenous students and other community members;
  • To increase the awareness of, and opportunities to celebrate the diversity of, Indigenous students, cultures and perspectives within the Queen’s University community and;
  • To provide a range of on- and off-campus university activities to encourage social, intellectual, and cultural interactions between local Indigenous communities and the Queen’s University community

Terms of Reference

 ACQU Terms of Reference 2013 (PDF 110 KB)

The 2013 Terms of Reference document provides:

  • an update and integration of the ACQU’s 2002 Terms of Reference
  • a 2006 action plan
  • a 2011 Senate-approved revision to the ACQU’s membership
  • the Ministry’s 2011 Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education and Training Policy Framework
  • similar Council documents from other Ontario universities
  • Queen’s 2011 Academic Plan
  • the 2012 Aboriginal education policy objectives, established by the ACQU

 Aboriginal Education Policy Objectives 2012 (PDF 200 KB)

 ACQU Report to Senate 2012 (PDF 150KB)

Indigenous Community Representatives

Name Role/Representative of
Te ho wis kwûnt - Allen Doxtator Elder/Cultural Advisor (Internal)
Dr. Danielle Lussier Chair in Indigenous Knowledges and Perspectives
Vacant Council Co-Chair
Chief Taynar Simpson Alderville First Nation
Misko McGregor Indigenous Alumni
  Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte

University Community Representatives

Name Role/Representative of
Patrick Deane Principal
Ann Tierney Vice-Provost & Dean of Student Affairs, Council Co-Chair
Mika Henry Associate Director, Office of Indigenous Initiatives (delegate for Associate Vice-Principal, Indigenous Initiatives, Council Secretary (ex-officio))
Tara MacDonald Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies
Stephanie Simpson Vice-Principal (Culture, Equity, Inclusion)
Kevin Banks Associate Dean, Faculty of Law
Gavan Watson Vice Provost, Teaching and Learning
Lynda Jessup Vice-Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science
Teri Shearer Deputy Provost (Academic Operations and Inclusion)

Student Representatives

Name Role/Representative of
  Indigenous Teacher Education Program (ITEP)
  Co-Presidents, Queen's Native Students Association (QNSA)
  American Indian Science and Engineering Society, Queen's Chapter
  SGPS (Society of Graduate & Professional Students)
Cheyan Athanasiou  SAGE Program Assistant (Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement)