Task Force Recommendation: An Office of Indigenous Initiatives
In September 2017, Queen's announced the creation of the Office of Indigenous Initiatives (OII). The creation of the office came as a result of one of the recommendations from the Queen’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force Final Report. The Office of Indigenous Initiatives facilitates and coordinates university-wide initiatives in support of the recommendations provided in the Yakwanastahentéha Aankenjigemi Extending the Rafters: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force Final Report (PDF 4.1 MB).

"Reconciliation is not something that government can legislate into reality and it’s not something Indigenous people can force on the rest of Canada. Every person in Canada—every citizen, every immigrant, every refugee, and every visitor—is responsible for Reconciliation."
Senator Murray Sinclair
Former Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Canada (Indigenous Innovation, 2019)
According to Dr. Kim Anderson, reconciliation is about Land, Language and Kinship. This is particularly true for Indigenous Peoples, many of whom have been displaced from their homelands over history; those who have lost their languages due to residential schools and government policies and churches; and those who have become distanced from their traditional forms of kinship and relationships, also due to displacement and the residential schools system. Generations of people have been effected by the residential school system and are still finding their way back to their original teachings.
As we have come to understand it Reconciliation is primarily the work of Canadians, as Justice Sinclair stated. Resurgence is largely the work of Indigenous Peoples who work on reclaiming and reviving our languages, cultures; our ways of knowing and being. The juncture of the two is the work of decolonizing and Indigenizing – of unlearning and relearning and that is the work encouraged and supported by the Office of Indigenous Initiatives.
What does reconciliation mean?
Indigenous and non-Indigenous members of our community have different roles to play in the truth and reconciliation landscape.
Whereas non-Indigenous visitors may be seeking resources and guidance that support reconciliation efforts and activities from the OII website, to an Indigenous visitor, conversations around the concept of resurgence may be more important. But for both groups, dialogue around land, language and kinship, the themes will be important to outline and support.
Where and how these groups intersect in our community forms the basis for discussion and action around decolonization and (in the long-term) Indigenization – of our curriculum, of the campus culture, of our spaces, of our support services.
Representing. Reflecting. Welcoming. Creating. Learning.
Themes that guide the work of truth and reconciliation at Queen's also guide the Office of Indigenous Initiatives as it seeks to:
- Build reciprocal and respectful relationships with local Indigenous communities.
- Promote curricular enhancement and research excellence in the areas of Indigenous histories and contemporary issues, guiding and supporting faculties looking to incorporate Indigenous histories and perspectives into curriculum.
- Support researchers engaging with Indigenous peoples and communities through collaborations with School of Graduate Studies (SGS), Office of the VP Research (VPR), University Research Services (URS) and other portfolios and units that shape the campus research infrastructure.
- Work with Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre to streamline the coordination of Indigenous services and programs for students.
- Work with other faculty/academic stakeholders, such as colleagues in the Aboriginal Access to Engineering program (Applied science and Engineering), ATEP (Education), Health Sciences, Arts & Science, Law, and Business.
- Build an understanding, across the Queen’s community, of the histories and perspectives of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, with a particular focus on the Anishinaabe and the Haudenosaunee, on whose traditional lands Queen’s University sits.
Gweyakwaajimowin miinwaa Mino-ganoonidiwin
Manoominike Giizis, Niizhing mdaaswaag zhi mdaaswi shi niizhwaaswi gii-nsaboonigak, Gimaakwe Shpi-kinoomaagegamig gii-wiindamaage wii-zhichigaadeg Nishnaabe Bezhigo-onendamowin Nokiitaage Aachkinigan (NBNA). Yi’iing gii-bi-njibaamgad maanda wii-zhichigaadeg aachkinigan oodi sa bezhig gagiikingewin gaa-zhibiigaadeg Gimaakwe Shpi-kinoomaagegamigong Gweyakwaajimowin miinwaa Mino-ganoonidiwin Gaa-dizhinjigaadeg Shkwaach Dadibaajimowin. Nishnaabe Bezhigo-onendamowin Nokiitaage Aachkinigan da-zhichige miinwaa da-wiijitoon kina ngoji mziwe shpi-kinoomaagegamgong bezhigo-onendamowinan wii-aasgaabwitaajigaadeg ne’en sa gagiikingewinan oodi sa Yakwanastahentéha Aankenjigemi Extending the Rafters: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force Final Report (PDF 4.1 MB).

"Gaawiin aawnzinoon wi sa Mino-ganoonidiwin wa sa wegimaawid gegoo ge nji mashkowaagndamowaapa geget wii-gikenjigaadeg miinwaa go gaawiin gegoo aawnzinoon Nishnaabeg ge gaandinamowaapa kina Canada ezhnikaadeg aki. Kina go bemaadzid manpii Canada ezhnikaadeg aki - kina go debendaagozijig, megwe’iig gaa-bi-tkamiijig, megwe’iig gaa-bi-gjibwe’ejig enjibaa’aad, miinwaa dash go kina nebwaachwejig – zhiibendaagozi ji mino-ganoonidiged."
Senator Murray Sinclair
Former Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Indigenous Innovation, 2019)
Maaba dash Dr. Kim Anderson ezhnikaazad, gii-kida sa wi mino-ganoondiwin aawang sa aki, zhigiiazhwewin, miinwaa nwe’endaaswin. Debwemgad dash go maanda memdige gwa nishnaabeg, niibna go gonda gii-maajiinaashkaazoog ko gaa-tankiiwaad gchi-niibna nso-bboon; ge’ek sa ge gaa-naajtowaad dinwewniwaa oodi sa kinoomaagewgamgong gaa-nji-gnamaagaazwaad wii nishnaabemwaad miinwaa gimaa naaknigewinan miinwaa namegamgoon; miinwaa dash go ge’ek gaa-gwiiwnizhiwebziwaad nitowaad gaa-zhi-nwendaaswaad, mii go zaam ne’en gii-niwtowaad enjbaa’aapa miinwaa ne’en kinoomaagewgamgoon gaa-nji-gnamaagaazwaad wii nishnaabemwaad. Aanke-bimaadziwinan gii-bsakaagnawaa wi sa kinoomaagewgamig gaa-nji-gnamaagaazwaad wii nishnaabemwaad miinwaa bjiinag dash go neyaab makaanaawaa waa-zhi-debnamwaad gchi-kinoomaagewinan.
Mii dash ni-nsastamang maanda Mino-ganoondiwin aawang sa gonda Canadians dankiiwinwaa gaa kidad go wa Justice Sinclair ezhnikaazad. Nishnaabeg wiinwaa da-nokiitaanaawaa wi aabzii’aadziwin neyaab wii-debnamwaad miinwaa wii-aabziinmowaad dinwewniwaa, dinaadziwiniwaa; gdebwe’endminaanin, gdaansokewininaanin. Mii nonda niish gaa-nchinaachigaadegin waa-nokiichigaadegin wii-zhi-nishnaabewiying ooshme miinwaa wii-nishnaabewiying – wii-giizhgkendmang miinwaa wii-aanji-gkendmang, mii dash wi nokiiwin ge gaandinamwaad miinwaa ge aasgaabwitamowaad ge’ek sa Nishnaabe Bezhigo-onendamowin Nokiitaage Aachkinigan
Wenesh edming sa wi mino-ganoonidiwin?
Nishnaabeg miinwaa go e-nishnaabewsigog debendaagzijig omaa gdoodenaawiniminaaning bemkaan temgad ge-zhi-nokiitmowaad wi sa gwekwaajimowin miinwaa mino-ganoonidiwin.
Pii dash e-nishnaabewisigog nebwaachwejig ndowaamdamwaad aabjichiganan miinwaa naadmaagewin e-aasgaabwitaagemgakin mino-ganoonidiwin wiikjitowinan miinwaa nakmagziwinan oodi wenjbaamgakin OII waasmo-sabiing ednakiiwaad, wa dash nebwaachwed Nishnaabe, ganoondiwinan dibaachigaadeg aabziiwin ooshme ji piitendaagwak. Ni’ii dash wii gwa nonda neniish e-dgogaabwijig, dibaajimo’oog onji sa nondan aking, niwewin miinwaa nawendaaswin, nonda sa waa-dibaajigaadegin miinwaa wii-aasgaabwichigaadeg.
Aapiish miinwaa aaniish nonda sa e-dgogaabwijig ezhi-nkweshkdaadwaad manpii gdoodenaa’minaaning mii wenji tabaajmotaadwaad miinwaa wenji-nakmagziwaad onji sa Ge-zhi-nishnaabewying ooshme miinwaa go ooshme wii-ni-nishnaabewiying – gda-gkinoomaagewi-mziniganinaanin, e-gkinoomaagzijig ednakiiwaad, enji-dawi’ayaaying, ezhi-naadmaageying.
Ganoodmaageng. Naanaagdawendming. Miigwechwigeng. Zhitoong. Gkendming.
Debaajigaadegin e-gikinoowaamdamwaad maanda nokiiwin Gweyakwaajimowin miinwaa Mino-ganoonidiwin oodi sa Gimaakwe Shpi-kinoomaagegamigong gikinoowaamdamdaanaawaa gaye wi sa Nishnaabe Bezhigo-onendamowin Nokiitaage Aachkinigan wii-nandawendamwaad sa wii:
- Zhitoowaad beskaabiimgag miinwaa menaadenmamgag wiijgaabwitaagewin zhwe nishnaabe oodenaawining
- Niigaaninmowaad wii-nishing kinoomaagewi-mzinignan miinwaa go wii-nishing ndagkenjgewin ni’iing Nishnaabe mewisha gaa-bi-zhiwebziwaad, miinwaa megwaa ezhwebziwaad, niigaaninaawaad miinwaa aasgaawitowaa’aad eknoomaagenjin wii-dgosdowaad Nishnaabe gwekwaajmowinan miinwaa ezhi-waamdamwaad omaa gkinoomaage-mziniganing.
- Sasgaabwitmowaad ndagkenjgewin e-noonigotmowaad Nishnaaben miinwaa oodenaan wiiji-nookiitwaa’aad ne’en School of Graduate Studies (SGS), Office of the VP Research (VPR), University Research Services (URS) ezhnikaadegin miinwaa go aanind enkiitmowaad ne’en eknoomaagzijig ednakiiwaad ndagkenjgewinan.
- Wiiji-nokiimaa’aad Niiwin Nikeying Eknoomaagzijig Enji-maawnjidwaad wii-nanaa’itowaad sa wi e-zhi-naadmaagaazwaad Nishnaabeg miinwaa eknoomaagzijig.
- Wii-wiijinokiimaa’aad aanind eknoomaagejig miinwaa kinoomaagewin bemiikangig zhiwe sa Aboriginal Access to Education program (Applied science and Engineering), ATEP (Education), Health Sciences, Arts & Science, Law, and Business ezhnikaadegin.
- Wii-gshkitowaad wii-nsastamokiiwaad mzawe zhiwe Gimaakwe Kinoomaagewgamigdoodenawiniwaa, Nishnaabe gweyakwaajimowiniwaa miinwaa ezhi gnowaamdamwaad kina go Nishnaabeg doodewininwaan, memdige nonda nishnaabeg miinwaa Naadweg, teg manpii Gimaakwe shpikinoomaagewigamig nimadabimgak.
Orihwí:yo tánon Aonsayoyá:neren’ne
Ne Seskehkó:wa 2017, Queen’s onthró:ri tsi wahonnón:ni ne Onkwehón:we Ratihyatónhkhwa, (Office of Indigenous Initiatives, OII). Tsi tontáhsawen ne yehyatónhkhwa nè:ne Queen’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force shakonaten’nikonhrá:wi. Ne Onkwehón:we Ratihyatónhkhwa tsi tyotáhsawen shakoti’nikonhrá:reks tánon skátne rotiyó’tens tsi ní:wa ne yonterihwayenstáhkhwa tkonwahswanónhne tsi nahò:ten shakonaten’nikonhrá:wi ne Yakwanastahentéha Aankenjigemi Extending the Rafters: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force Final Report (PDF 4.1 MB).

"Ne Aonsayoyá:neren’ne yah thaón:ton ne kakoráhsera akayanerenhserón:ni, tánon yah thaón:ton ne Ronnokwehón:we kwah’k ahshakonón:nyen akwé:kon ne Canada. Ratikwé:kon ne Canada – akwé:kon ne ken’ yená:kere, akwé:kon ne tethatinyentarí:ya’ks, akwé:kon ne tsi tyótteron nithonnétha, tánon akwé:kon ne thatinatá:re’s – ronaterihwayén:ni ahontsnyé:non Aonsayoyá:neren’ne."
Senator Murray Sinclair
Former Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Indigenous Innovation, 2019)
Tsi nahò:ten yaká:wen ne Dr. Kim Anderson, ne aonsayoyá:neren’ne, ne katharákhwa ne ohóntsa, owén:na tánon tsi na’teyón:tere ne ónkwe. Sénha ki’ ne Onkwehón:we akorihwá:ke, ronatyohkowá:nen é:ren ronwatiya’tenhawíhton tsi nón:we nihatinakeréhkwe ne tsi takenhátye, tánon ne tsi niká:yen ne roná:tyon ne raotiwén:na, kakoráhsera tánon yonterennayentáhkhwa e’tho nihotiyé:ren, tánon ó:ni é:ren ronwatiya’tenhawíhton tóhsa skátne akénhake ne raotihwátsire. Tóhka na’teyotere’será:ne yakohetkénhton tsi nihotiyé:ren, shé:kon nón:wa nikahá:wi’s ronte’nyéntha taonsahónnehkwe tsi nihotiriho’tén:ne.
Tsi ki’ ní:yoht tsi yonkwa’nikonhrayèn:ta’s ne ki Aonsayoyaneren’ne, Canadians rotiyo’tátye, tsi ki’ ní:yoht tsi yaká:wen ne Justice Sinclair, Onkwehón:we wentá:on’ts enyakoyó’ten ne aonsontkwatá:ko’ tsi niyawén:en’, taontontkétsko’ ne raotiwén:na, tsi nihotirihò:ten; raonateweyén:na tánon nahò:ten thonehtáhkwen. Teyorì:wake tenkayéhston tsi enkayo’tén:en nè:ne, taontahatiríhsi tsi nihotiyé:ren ne ratihnarà:ken tánon Onkwehonwehnéha tsi naonsahatí:yere, taontahatiríhsi nahò:ten ronateweyénhston tánon ó:ya’ ní:yoht tsi aonsahonteweyénhste e’tho ki’ ní:yoht tsi rotiyó’te, shakoti’nikonhrá:reks tánon rontsnyé:nons ne Onkwehón:we Ratihyatónhkhwa Ronwanaten’nikonhrá:wi (Office of Indigenous Initiatives).
Nahò:ten kéntons ne Aonsayoyá:neren’ne?
Onkwehón:we tánon ne yah-Onkwehón:we ratì:teron ne kanakerahserà:kon ó:ya na’té:yoht tsi enhotiyó’ten ne Orihwí:yo tánon aonsayoyá:neren’ne akaka’enyónhake.
Ne yah-Onkwehón:we thatinatá:re’s tóka’ nón:wa ne nen’ né:’e ronné:saks nahò:ten ne ayakoyé:nawa’se’ tánon oh nahatí:yere ne ahontsnyé:non’ aonsayoyá:neren’ne, OII website nyenhón:ne ahotitókenhse tsi nenkayé:ren, ok ne rotinatahré:nen Onkwehón:we ne nen’ né:’e enhatithárahkwe tsi ní:yoht tsi aonsontkwatá:ko’ tsi niyawén:’en ne nen’ né:’e sénha yorihowá:nen ne raotirihwà:ke. Ok ne kí tekentyóhkwake tsi tenhatithá:ren ne ki nen’ né:’e ne ohóntsya, owén:na tánon tsi na’teyón:tere ne ón:kwe, ne ki’ aó:wen ne ahontsnyé:non tsi nahò:ten ne karihwakwe’ní:yo.
Tsi nón:we tánon tsi ní:yoht ki’ tekentyóhkwake tenhatikháshi ne onkwanakeráhsera ne ki entewanónhton’ tsi ní:yoht tsi tenhatitháren’ tánon tsi nenkayé:ren’ taontahatiríhsi tsi nihotiyé:ren ne ratihnarà:ken tánon (kwah ken’ nén:we) Onkwehonwehnéha aonsón:ton – tsi ní:yoht tsi akahyatonhserí:son, aote’én:rakon yonterihwayenhstáhkhwa tsi nihotirihó:ten, tsi niwatená:ta, tánon kayenawa’séhtshera thontká:was.
Ónhka Raotirihwà:ke. Taontá:we. Tayesanón:weron. Akahsonónhake. Yonteweyénstha.
Ne karihwakwení:yo ne tewanónhtons tsi kayo’tén:en ne orihwí:yo tánon aonsayoyaneren’ne ne Queen’s nón:we ne ó:ni tewanónhtons ne tsi Ratihyatónhkhwa ne Onkwehón:we thé:non Ahotiyó’ten ne ronné:saks ne:
- Aontahontenróhwe tahontaterihwakwényenste ne aktóntye kanakerahseraké:ron Onkwehón:we ratiná:kere.
- Ayontoryá:neren tsi ayé:reke sénha ahonateryéntara’ne ne tsi niyawenhseron ne Onkwehón:we akorihwa’shón:’a tánon ne ónwa nikahá:wi’s tsi niyá:wen’s, ronwatiyenawá:se ne shakotirihonnyén:ni ahatika’én:yon oh ní:yoht tsi tahatí:yeste Onkwehón:we okara’shón:’a tánon ya’takayés:ton tsi ní:yoht tsi ashakotirihón:nyen.
- Ronwatiyé:nawa’s ne Onkwehón:we akorihwa’shón:’a rotiyo’te skátne ne School of Graduate Studies (SGS), tsi Ratihyatónhkhwa, Office of the VP Research (VPR), University Research Services (URS), tánon ne oyá:shon nahò:ten shakotirihonnyén:ni tsi nón:we kanónhsote ne ratirihó’kwats
- Rotiyo’ten skátne ne Four Directoons Indigenous Student Centre sénha ayoyá:neren’ne tsi skátne ahotiyó’ten ne shakotiyenawá:se thé:non ne ronterihwayénstha.
- Rotiyo’ten skátne ne oyáshon nahò:ten rotiyo’te shaoyé:ra thénon ne thoti’nikonhratihénthos, tsi nón:wa ní:yoht ne Onkwehón:we tsi nyenhón:ne nahò:ten ne Káyen Ayonteweyenste (Sha’oyé:ra tánon ne Ratinonyón:ni – Applied Science and Engineering), ATEP (education), Sahoyé:ra ne Ata’karitáhtshera aorihwá:ke, Ayeráhste tánon Sha’oyé:ra, Kayanerénhsera, tánon ne thénon Ayontatahténtyate’.
- Yonníhak aka’nikonhrayentáhton tsi’k nonwéshon ne Queen’s ne tsi nontayawénhsere tánon tsi ní:yoht tsi rontkáthos ne Onkwehón:we, Métis tánon ne Inuit raotinakeráhsera, sénha ki’ ne Anishinaabe tánon ne Rotinonhsyón:ni, ne raononhontsyà:ke ne Queen’s University tsi nón:we nikanónhsote.