At Queen’s University there are a number of Indigenous specific Committees and Working Groups that exist to advance truth and reconciliation efforts as well as support Indigenous initiatives university-wide.
The Office of Indigenous Initiatives coordinates the following Committees and Working Groups:
- The Indigenous Council, the Indigenous Caucus, and the working groups for Indigenous Council
- The TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Commission) Roundtable and the working groups for the TRC Roundtable
- Ad hoc committees
Indigenous Council
The Indigenous Council at Queen’s University was established in 1992 to ensure that for generations hereafter Indigenous Peoples will have access to higher education at the university, and that the institution will be responsive to the broader needs of Indigenous Peoples.
Indigenous Caucus
The Indigenous Caucus at Queen’s University is a sub-committee of the Indigenous Council. The Caucus meets prior to Council meetings and the membership consists of all Indigenous members of Council. Caucus meets prior to the Council meetings to raise any issues or new items discuss to the Community Co-Chair, who then raises these issues with Council during the Council meetings.
For more information on the Committees and Working Groups under ICQU, visit:
TRC Roundtable
As recommended by the TRC Task Force, the TRC Roundtable provides high-level guidance and oversight to the work of implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force (TRCTF) recommendations. Membership for the group includes all faculty and school deans (or delegates), as well as staff, faculty, and other senior administration representatives. The Roundtable is an important resource to support the coordination of Queen’s efforts to address the TRCTF report, and encourage collaboration across faculties, schools, and shared service units.
TRC Roundtable: Terms of Reference (PDF, 450 KB)
Working Groups for the TRC Roundtable
Membership for the following working groups consist of university staff and faculty. For more information about the working groups, please contact the Office of Indigenous Initiatives.
Advancement of Indigenous Initiatives
The Advancement of Indigenous Initiatives working group develops strategies to support Indigenous initiatives and increase philanthropic funding to support the sustained enhancement of Indigenous initiatives at Queen’s.
Indigenous Community Engagement
The Community Engagement working group will work together to develop strong, sustainable, long-term relationships with local Indigenous communities to ensure ongoing consultation regarding Indigenous-focused policy development, academic programming, opportunities for collaboration and research. These relationships will allow for a reciprocal exchange of Indigenous knowledge across the institution. The working group will listen and support the goals of the surrounding Indigenous communities.
![[illustration by Portia Chapman representing bravery]](/indigenous/sites/oiiwww/files/2021-01/Bravery.jpg)