Nevena Martinović

Nevena Martinović

Educational Developer

she/her, Ph.D.

Centre for Teaching and Learning

People Directory Affiliation Category

In her role as an Educational Developer, Nevena is focused on curriculum development and improvement. She is passionate about transparency and accessibility in educational spaces.  
At the Centre for Teaching and Learning, she supports departmental leaders as they undertake cyclical program reviews with a specific focus on constructive alignment.  
Nevena is available for observations, consultations, and workshops on:

  • Creating educational spaces that celebrate diversity
  • Developing inclusive curricula informed by disability and aging studies
  • Ensuring alignment between course assessments and learning objectives
  • Professional and pedagogical development for graduate students and early career instructors
  • Innovating opportunities for lateral mentorship and interdisciplinary collaboration

Nevena holds an MA in Theatre Studies (University of Guelph) and a PhD in English Language and Literature (Queen’s University). In addition to her work at the CTL, she teaches English literature at the Royal Military College and courses on Diversity and Inclusion at Cambrian College. Her academic research focuses on the intersections of aging, disability and gender, while her non-profit work has focused on designing educational resources and training programs in the field of mental health and addiction. She serves as the board secretary for the Kingston Arts Council and as the Early Career Advisor for the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.