Advanced Human Resources Certificate

Human Resources has never played as critical and impactful a role as it currently does. With this heightened importance, now is the time to deepen your theoretical knowledge, enhance your leadership confidence, and establish a deeper and more strategic approach to your practice with the Queen’s IRC certificate in Advanced Human Resources.
We offer the choice of the Aligning HR and Business Strategy or Leading Human Resources programs as the core required program for this Certificate. The remainder of the credits required for the certificate can be made up from any combination of the other programs that Queen’s IRC offers, which gives you maximum flexibility to customize your individual training needs while obtaining a Certificate from a world-renowned University.
Required Programs
Aligning HR and Business Strategy (3 credits) or
Leading Human Resources (3 credits)
Elective Programs
Any other IRC courses (totalling 9 credits)
Advanced Labour Relations Certificate

Are you a seasoned labour relations professional or working to build your knowledge in the field of labour relations? A Queen’s IRC certificate in Advanced Labour Relations is right for you! This second-level certificate can only be obtained after completing the certificate in Labour Relations.
The certificate in Advanced Labour Relations offers maximum flexibility to customize your individual training needs and provides recognition from a strong, national institution that is acknowledged across the country to be the best in its field.
Required Programs
Must complete a minimum of 24 credits, including the 12 credits earned towards the Labour Relations Certificate
Elective Programs
Labour Relations Certificate plus 12 electives from any other IRC courses (totalling 24 credits)
Labour Relations Certificate

Whether you are from management or among the union ranks, a Queen’s IRC certificate in Labour Relations tells your colleagues you have received a leading skill-building education and are committed to lifelong learning. The curriculum reflects the range of skills labour relations practitioners require to thrive in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing environment.
We offer Labour Relations Foundations as the core required program for the certificate, which allows learners to build foundational competencies and basic skills in a variety of areas, such as negotiation, labour arbitration, fact-finding, and grievance handling. We also offer more in-depth programs to develop more specialized competencies in these areas. The electives can be chosen based on your current training needs and interests.
Required Programs
Labour Relations Foundations (5 credits)
Elective Programs
Any other IRC programs (totalling 7 credits)
Organization Development Fundamentals Certificate
This Queen's IRC Professional Development Certificate is designed to propel working practitioners to new heights. Grounded in adult learning principles and the latest practitioner-focused research, Organization Development Fundamentals provides crucial training in an array of topics in the field. We highly recommend this certificate to professionals in mid to upper management roles who wish to accelerate their careers and gain practical toolkits and frameworks to improve their workplaces.
Certificates require a minimum of 12 credits, including a core program that differs for each Certificate. The design of our Certificates is based on our extensive knowledge of the field and tested through ongoing consultation with seasoned practitioners in both the private and public sectors. The curriculum reflects the range of skills HR, LR & OD practitioners require to thrive, whether from management or among the union ranks.
Organization Development Fundamentals Certificate Core Course Requirement
- Organizational Foundations (3 credits)
Elective Programs
Any other IRC courses (totalling 9 credits)