Ethics Communication Bulletin (February 2023)

New and Updated Guidelines Applicable to Both GREB & HSREB:

HSREB-Specific Updates:

  • The Queen’s University Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Research Ethics Board (HSREB) is pleased to announce that it has developed Mission and Vision Statements, which are now posted on the HSREB website.
  • The HSREB Letter of Information/Consent Form (LOI/CF) Checklist has been revised for ease of use and to reflect essential updates from the TCPS concerning broad consent for the storage and future use of data and human biological materials. This checklist should be used when developing or amending any LOI/CF to ensure you have included all required elements. NOTE: Always go to the Ethics websites for the most up-to-date versions of the LOI/CF Checklists; otherwise, you may miss the required LOI/CF items, which can lead to an extended timeline for application processing.

Ethics Office Updates:

  • Jennifer Payne, the previous Research Ethics and Compliance Manager, is now the Director of Research for the Faculty of Health Sciences. Queen’s Human Resources has posted an advertisement for this position. We wish Jennifer all the best in her new position. 
  • Daniel Tesolin, the Ethics Coordinator for GREB, has taken a position as an Ethics Officer at McGill University. Recruitment is underway for that position as well. In the interim, please direct queries to, and they will be redirected appropriately.
  • We are happy to announce that Megan Allore has transitioned from her term position as our Research Ethics Compliance Advisor to a continuing appointment. Megan continues to bring a wealth of experience and professional skills to this position. She can be reached at
  • Christine Beswick and Zoe Moon have also transitioned from term positions into permanent roles as Ethics Coordinators. They can be reached at
  • COMING SOON: Queen’s will soon hold a license for administering CITI Training via N2. Stay tuned for more details regarding how this will be implemented and how you can benefit as a Queen’s researcher!

Cover of the Indigenous Research Ethics  Review at Queen’s University

Bridging the Policy-Practice Gap: In Search of a New Model of Indigenous Research Ethics Review at Queen’s University:

This findings report summarizes the results of the qualitative research which provided options for designing a new Indigenous research-related ethics review model at Queen’s, drawing upon recommendations shared by internal stakeholders and external experts. It explores the institutional ethics structures and protocols in hopes of bridging the policy-practice gap to address the needs of Indigenous communities and the researchers who collaborate with them, and to help enact better partnerships.

View Findings Report

Join a Research Ethics Board

Do you want to help Queen’s meet the highest ethical standards for human participant research?

Do you enjoy gaining and sharing experience in a variety of research fields?

Do you want to represent the thoughts and concerns of other researchers?

Benefits of being a member:

Flexible time commitment!

Monthly meetings!

Contribute to Queen’s Research in a new and meaningful way!

** This link has been archived **
Learn more about being a member of the Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Research Ethic Board (HSREB)

** This link has been archived **
Learn more about being a member of the General Research Ethics Board (GREB)

Don't hesitate to contact our team with any questions or concerns regarding these updates! We look forward to facilitating your requests! Our office can be reached at either