Research Ethics Recruitment Poster Guidelines

Study recruitment materials must be respectful of participants and comply with ethical standards and university policies. All text, illustrations, photos, music, or video must be sensitive and appropriate to the target audience and not be disrespectful to any individuals or groups. 

Check each poster for conformity with the points listed below. See Appendix 1 and 2 for an example recruitment poster.

REQUIRED Information on Recruitment Materials:

  • Queen’s University/Institutional/Departmental Logo and a version date
  • Ethics clearance statement
    • “This study has been reviewed for ethical compliance by the Queen’s University Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Research Ethics Board.”
      • OR
    • “This study has been reviewed for ethical compliance by the Queen’s University General Research Ethics Board.”
  • Study title – simplified as appropriate (e.g., abbreviated, or lay-person language)
  • Purpose of the research study
  • Target population 
  • Basic explanation of tasks and time commitment expected and location of research (e.g., lab, online, KHSC)
  • State if compensation is provided (but not necessarily how much). Do not overemphasize incentives (i.e., bold or large print).
  • Study contact information/Principal Investigator’s name and/or QR code

*Note: If your recruitment materials do not include the information on this list, you must provide justification for the exclusion in your TRAQ application.


  • Use “participant” instead of “patient”, “subject”, or “volunteer” (as per TCPS2).
  • Use simple/lay language instead of discipline-specific jargon.
  • Avoid acronyms, abbreviations, or mnemonics unless they are well known to the public or to the group you are targeting AND are not enticing or sensationalistic.
  • Avoid terms such as “new treatment”, “new medication” or “new drug” without explaining that it is under investigation (i.e., not yet proven to be safe or effective).


Do not use:

  • Personal phone numbers (i.e., use a Department/Office/Lab number or limit contact to email).
    • If non-institutional numbers are used, this must be justified in the TRAQ application.
  • Statements that may be considered coercive (e.g., Get Big Bucks for this Study!; All the Cool People are Doing it!).
  • Sensationalistic or suggestive wording (e.g., Feeling Aroused?).
  • Use of stereotypes in words or use of stereotypes in pictures such as cartoons or photos that reinforce negative or uninformed stereotypes.
  • Stating or implying a favourable outcome or benefit beyond what is outlined in the informed consent form and the protocol (e.g., This Study will make you Smarter!).
  • Featuring compensation before describing the study purpose (e.g., Win an iPhone!).


Research Ethics Recruitment Poster Examples

Download editable poster examples (WORD 1 MB)