The Office of Risk and Safety Services has many different resources available from forms, policies, procedures, training and news. Below they are divided by unit; Campus Security & Emergency Services, Environmental Health & Safety, Insurance & Risk Management.
Biological Safety
Chemical and Laboratory Safety
- Chemical Transfer Form
- Fume Hood Inspection/Testing Request
- Fume Hood Questionnaire
- Research Equipment Decommissioning Form (PDF 426 KB). Please download the PDF, complete it and email to
- Spill Report Form
- Laboratory Decommissioning Procedures Checklist (PDF, 22 KB)
General Safety
- Appendix B - Asbestos Sampling Requisition Form
- Appendix C - Asbestos Work Requisition/Permit Form
- Referral Form for Ergonomic Consultation **Pricing for Ergonomic Assessments is increasing. Access to the both the Referral Consultation and the Consultation follow up forms have been temporarily suspended. Please check back in a few days. Access will be restored once the pricing update has been completed.
- Ergonomic Consultation Follow Up Form
- Hoist and Crane Registration Form
- Joint Health and Safety Committee - Recommendation Form (PDF 482.5 KB)
- Respirator Screening Submission Form
- Safety Officer Contact Information Update Form
- Student/Employee Orientation Checklist (PDF 366 KB)
- Safety Supplies Order Form (XLS 14 KB) - You will need to download and complete this form, save it and then submit it via email to **Please Note: Safety Supplies will now only be delivered once a week on Fridays. In order to receive delivery on Friday you MUST submit your request by noon on the Thursday.
Radiation - Laser & X-Ray Safety
- Contamination Control Records (PDF 33 KB)
- Contamination Control Spreadsheet (XLS 34 KB)
- Laser Registration Form
- Radiation Inventory (PDF 41 KB) Word Version
- X-Ray Registration Form
- Aqueous Waste Spreadsheets
- 32P Spreadsheet (XLS 15.5 KB)
- 33P Spreadsheet (XLS 15.5 KB)
- 35S Spreadsheet (XLS 15.5 KB)
- 125I Spreadsheet (XLS 28 KB)
- 51Cr Spreadsheet (XLS 15.5 KB)
Waste Disposal
Please use the link below to be directed to the Waste Disposal Form. For Radioactive waste disposal email: and for specific instructions.
- Waste Disposal Form
- For a large amount of chemicals, or a mix of waste types (i.e. biological, chemical, empty etc.) fill out the excel sheet below and upload it in section 11 of the Waste Disposal form listed directly above.
- Chemical Waste Disposal Excel Sheet (XLSX 16.4 KB) - (for bulk disposal submissions, download this excel sheet, fill it out and upload it on the Chemical Waste form listed directly above)
For specific waste disposal information and assistance contact Tom Martinek at ext. 74976 or email
- WSIB Form 6 - Workers Report of Injury/Disease (PDF 261.6 KB)
- WSIB Form 2647 - Functional Abilities Form For Timely Return to Work (PDF 143.6 KB)
- Incident Report Fillable Form (PDF, 779 KB)
Should you be involved in any of the possible emergency situations detailed below, knowledge of the appropriate procedures to follow will greatly reduce the threat of harm to yourself and others. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the following procedures, do not hesitate to contact us via email at or by phoning 613-533-6733.
Providing Assistance to People with Disabilities during an Emergency
The person in charge of each class, meeting or other activity must ensure that each person who is non-ambulatory receives assistance from two helpers:
- The helpers assist this person to proceed to the nearest safe exit or stairwell on that floor.
- One helper is to remain, while the other proceeds to the ground level exit to notify the fire department, police or campus security, which will complete the rescue.
Elevators are not used unless specifically operated by fire fighting personnel.
Visually impaired
The person in charge of each class, meeting or other activity must ensure that the nature of the emergency is explained to the individual quickly and clearly. The person must then be guided to the nearest safe exit and provided any further assistance necessary.
Hearing impaired
The person in charge of each class, meeting or other activity must ensure that the nature of the emergency is explained by speaking slowly, clearly or by writing a note to the individual quickly and clearly.
The person must then be guided to the nearest safe exit and provided any further assistance necessary.
University members are obligated to assist these community members, if they are on their own, during building evacuations and other emergencies.
Environmental Health and Safety Policies & Procedures
The University policies listed below are specific to the area of health and safety and have been created, and are maintained by, the Department of Environmental Health and Safety. Queen's is committed to an inclusive campus community with accessible goods, services, and facilities that respect the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. The Adobe Acrobat (pdf), Word (doc) and Excel (xls) files found on this site are available in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports upon request. Please contact if you need any assistance.
- (SOP-HAZMAT-01) Spill Response Procedure (PDF 47 KB)
- (SOP-CHEM-01) Hazardous Waste Disposal Procedures (PDF 356 KB) **Updated October 4, 2022
- (SOP-CHEM-02) Transportation of Dangerous Goods Procedures (PDF 1.4 MB) **Updated November 24, 2022
- (SOP-CHEM-03) WHMIS Training Program (PDF 170 KB)
- (SOP-CHEM-04) Mold Prevention Assessment and Remediation Procedures (PDF 300 KB)
- (SOP-CHEM-05) Chemical Storage Procedures (PDF 223 KB)
- (SOP-CHEM-07) Laboratory Flammable and Combustible Liquid Handling Procedures (PDF 147 KB)
- (SOP-CHEM-08) General Flammable and Combustible - Liquid Handling Procedures (PDF 32 KB)
- (SOP-CHEM-09) Use of Gentian Violet (PDF 90 KB)
Radiation Safety
- Radiation Safety Manual - Policies and Procedures (PDF 1.8MB) **Updated November 24, 2022
- (SOP-Radiation-02) Laser Safety (PDF 89 KB)
- (SOP-Radiation-03) X-Ray Safety (PDF 32 KB)
- Biological Safety Manual (PDF 1.5 MB)
- (SOP-Biosafety-01) Vacuum & Aspirator Equipment (PDF 84 KB)
- (SOP-Biosafety-02) Importation of Biological Material ***UNDER REVIEW***
- (SOP-Biosafety-03) Biological Safety Cabinets (PDF 76 KB)
- (SOP-Biosafety-04) Biohazard Permit Application Process (PDF 173 KB)
- (SOP-Biosafety-05) Queens University Biohazard Risk Group Definitions (PDF 38 KB)
- (SOP-Biosafety-08) Human Tissue, Blood or Other Body Fluid (PDF 422 KB)
- (SOP-Biosafety-09) Autoclaves - Biohazardous Waste Treatment (PDF 75 KB)
- (SOP-Biosafety-10) Safe Handling of Lentiviral Vectors (LVVs) (PDF 283 KB)
Laboratory Safety
- (SOP-LAB-01) Fume Hoods (PDF 154 KB)
- (SOP-LAB-02) Autoclaves - Procedures for Operation, Maintenance, Repair, and Service (PDF 62 KB)
- (SOP-LAB-03) Emergency Eyewash Stations and Safety Showers (PDF 237 KB)
- Emergency Eyewash, Shower, and Drench Hose Inspection Checklist (PDF 232KB)
- Emergency Eyewash and Shower Instructions (PDF 184KB)
- (SOP-LAB-04) Laboratory Decommissioning (PDF 108 KB)
- (SOP-LAB-05) Labcoats (PDF 49 KB)
General Safety
- (SOP-Safety-01) Guidelines for Working in the Heat (PDF154 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-02) Joint Health and Safety Workplace Inspections (PDF 38 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-03) Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities (PDF 27 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-04) Hoist Policy (PDF 211 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-05) Respirator Protection (PDF 116 KB)
- Respirator Screening Form (PDF 183 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-06) New Employee Health and Safety Orientation (PDF)
- (SOP-Safety-07) Departmental Safety Bulletin Boards (PDF 120 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-08) Electrical Equipment Certification (PDF 320 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-09) Foot Protection (PDF 72 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-10) Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Program (PDF, 267 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-12) Sharps and Glassware Disposal (PDF 63 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-13) Asbestos (PDF 130 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-14) Refusal to Work (PDF 454 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-15) Ladder Safety (PDF 95 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-16) Home Office Health and Safety (PDF 258 KB)
- Home Office Health and Safety Checklist (PDF 124 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-18) Roof Access (PDF 199 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-19) Elevating Work Platform (PDF 120 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-20) Fall Protection (PDF 140 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-22) Traffic Safety Plan (PDF 83 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-23) Hazard Reporting (PDF 256 KB)
- Hazard Reporting Form (PDF 115 KB)
- (SOP-Safety-24) Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - Under Review contact who will work with you on the approval.
Fire Safety
- (SOP-Fire-01) Storage in Building Corridors (PDF 30 KB)
- (SOP-Fire-02) Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspection (PDF 199 KB)
- (SOP-Fire-03) Indigenous Use of Traditional Medicines (PDF 28 KB)
- (SOP-Fire-04) Fire Watch (PDF 692 KB)
- (SOP-Fire-05) Guidelines on the Use of Tents (PDF 75 KB)
- (SOP-Fire-06) Decorations and Fire Safety (PDF 68 KB)
- (SOP-Fire-07) Compressed Gas Cylinder Storage and Transportation (PDF 127 KB)
- (SOP-Fire-08) Fire Alarm System 24-Hour Trouble Bypass (PDF, 165 KB)
- (SOP-Incidents/WSIB-01) Unpaid Student Placements (PDF 124 KB)
- (SOP-Incidents/WSIB-02) Incident Reporting & Investigation (PDF 92 KB)
- Incident Report Fillable Form (PDF 779 KB)
Health and Safety Bulletins
- Space Heaters (PDF 214 KB)
- Amendments to the Criminal Code (PDF 29 KB)
- Barbeque Safety Precautions (PDF 31 KB)
- Bats (PDF 157 KB)
- Car Smash Events - Guidelines (Nov 6, 2008) (PDF 28 KB)
- Laser Pointer (Jan 6, 2005) (PDF 30 KB)
- Lyme Disease (June 2004) (PDF 119 KB)
- Roofing Projects - Health Concerns (Revised June 2009) (PDF 36 KB)
- Ticketing - Ministry of Labour (March 7, 2005) (PDF 44 KB)
- West Nile Virus (July 23, 2003) (PDF 109 KB)
- Portable Generators (July 9, 2018) (PDF 143 KB)
- Laboratory Chairs and Stools (January 6, 2020) (PDF 226 KB)
- Glove Removal: The Breaking Method (March 12, 2021) (PDF 235 KB)
- Safety Valves (PDF 130 KB)
- Solar Eclipse Safety at Work (PDF 235 KB)
Weapons and Replica Weapons Policy
Queen’s University is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for University Community Members. Accordingly, the presence of Weapons and Replica Weapons are prohibited on Queen’s University Property.
This Policy outlines the conditions under which an exception to the use of Weapons and Replica Weapons on University Property can be approved, the process for requesting approval, and identifies authority for addressing non-compliance issues.
The Queen's University Weapons and Replica Weapons Policy was updated in November 2023. The most current version of the policy can be found in the University Policy Library
If you wish to apply for an exemption under this policy, please print out and complete the Weapons Policy Request Form.
The form should then be passed to your dean, director or department head for their concurrence and then forwarded to the director of Campus Security for approval.
Queen's University Policies and Terms of Reference
The University policies listed below have been approved by the Senate and/or the Board of Trustees and can be accessed from the website of the Queen's University Secretariat and Legal Counsel.
- Health and Safety Management System
- Policy Statement on Health & Safety
- Policy Statement on Environmental Management
- Policy Statement on Student Health and Wellness
- Policy and Procedures for Reporting and Managing Infectious Diseases
- Off-Campus Activity Safety Policy
- Smoke-Free University Policy
- Workplace Violence Policy
- Harassment and Discrimination Policy
Queen’s has a number of policies and accompanying procedures related to student rights, rules and responsibilities.
Many of these are related to student conduct, safety and wellness, including (but not limited to):
- Policies Regarding the Legalization of Cannabis
- Alcohol Policy (2012) (PDF, 588 KB)
- Athletics and Recreation, Discipline Policies and Procedures (2010)
- Student Conduct
- Orientation Week Policy Manual (PDF, 511 KB)
- Residence Community Standards Handbook 2020-2021 (5.2 MB)
- Health and Safety Policy Statement (2020)
- Off Campus Activity Safety Policy (2010)
- Student Health and Wellness Policy Statement (2018)
- Sexual Violence Involving Queen's University Students Policy
- Harassment / Discrimination Complaint Policy and Procedure
- Safe Disclosure Reporting and Investigation
- Weapons Policy (view below)
- Electronic Information Security Policy Framework including:
For a comprehensive list of policies, please consult the website of the University Secretariat.
View RSS Resources & Policies page
- Accessible Event and Meeting Planning
- Alcohol Policy (PDF 589 KB)
- Event Services Food Forms
- Film Policy (PDF 48 KB)
- Film Policy Procedures (PDF 48 KB)
- Interim Policy on the Booking, Use, and Cancellation of Bookings in University Space (PDF 64 KB)
- Noise By-law (PDF 329 KB)
- Off Campus Activities Safety Policy (OCASP)
- Room Reservations
- Student Fundraising Opportunities
- Student Life Centre
View Detailed Information for all Environmental Health & Safety Training
- Register for WHMIS
- Biosafety Training
- Radiation Training
- Register for First Aid – full course
- Register for First Aid Refresher – Annual Refresher
- Health and Safety Awareness – OnQ
- Register for Joint Health and Safety Committee Certification
- Register for Supervisor Health and Safety
- Ladder Safety
- Register for Asbestos Awareness
- Register for Fire Extinguisher
- Register for Safety Officer Training